Find all of Ankr's logos and brand assets in one place
The Ankr logo is displayed in the official colors and usage patterns. Do not place the logo on top of other objects and leave a reasonable amount of margin around the outside.
TT Firs Neue Demibold
TT Firs Neue Demibold is our font for titles & subtitles. Since it is a premium font, it cannot be distributed freely. You can find out more about obtaining a license to this font through the type foundry.
Inter is our primary font for body text and long paragraphs of text. You can find and download this font in Google font platform. It has Open Font License.
Brand colors
Primary Ankr Blue
CMYK 84 42 0 0
Ankr black
CMYK 18 11 0 85
Ankr Grey 600
CMYK 16 11 0 40
Background Blue
CMYK 3 2 0 2
Background White
CMYK 0 0 0 0
Gradient 1
#356DF3Copy → #7926FFCopy → #FF820ECopy
CMYK 84 42 0 0 → 53 85 0 0 → 0 49 95 0
Gradient 2
#DBE5F9Copy → #E3DCFACopy → #F4E7DECopy
CMYK 12 8 0 2 → 9 12 0 2 → 0 5 9 4
Ankr Badges
Projects using Ankr should to display this badge on their pages and applications.
Here you can download badges in .html format.
- Big Badge 1Copy as HTML
- Big Badge 2Copy as HTML
- Big Badge 3Copy as HTML
- Big Badge 4Copy as HTML
- Small Badge 1Copy as HTML
- Small Badge 2Copy as HTML
- Small Badge 3Copy as HTML
- Small Badge 4Copy as HTML
Brand in use