
Web3 API

Connecting developers, apps, and the world to the power of Blockchain.

Start for Free

Developer-focused features.

Node API

Access Full and Archive nodes data for the largest number of blockchains on the Market via standard, trace, and debug methods.

Advanced API

Enhance blockchain interactions with multi-chain search, indexed historical data, and near-instant speeds.


Power your decision-making with precise statistics for each of your projects.


Explore the ways to organize, monitor, and control your endpoints.

Projects freeze

Enable or disable your projects’ endpoints in one click.

Projects whitelist

Define domains, IPs, and smart contracts allowed for endpoints communication.


Establish and manage the teams collaborating on particular projects.




Robust service.

Forever free.

30 reqs/sec for Node API

30 reqs/min for Advanced API

50+ chains

1 projects

HTTPS connection

Community support



Full service.

Flexible price.

From $10 / 100M API Credits

Get Started

1,5k reqs/sec for Node API

1k reqs/sec for Advance API

55+ blockchains

800+ archive & full nodes

3 projects

HTTPS / WSS connection

Support portal



Get more.

Pay less.

From $500 / 6B API Credits

Get Started

1,5k reqs/sec for Node API

1k reqs/sec for Advance API

55+ blockchains

800+ archive & full nodes

3 projects

HTTPS / WSS connection

Support portal


Tailored solution

for professionals.

Custom terms

Selected regions

Flexible rate limits

Engineering team support

Preferred chains

Custom SLA

Contact Us

Service plans comparison.











Rate limits
Node API

30 reqs/sec

1,500 reqs/sec

1,500 reqs/sec


Advanced API

30 reqs/sec

1,000 reqs/sec

1,000 reqs/sec


Projects (personal API tokens)





Multi-project statistics







Whitelists (IP, domain, smart contract)
Personal account manager
Engineering team support
Dedicated infrastructure

Community support

Priority portal support

Priority portal support


Node API
Advanced API
Payment options






Monthly subscription




Starts from $10



Start for FreeGet startedGet startedContact Sales

Success stories.


Ankr provides a comprehensive suite to power Polygon with global RPC nodes, liquid staking solutions, and Supernets creation as a service for best-in-class EVM performance.

Read more




Monthly RPC



“Ankr greatly strengthens Polygon’s ecosystem with premium node hosting, instant access to the latest blocks through developer APIs, and instant liquidity for staked POL tokens. Ankr is paving the way for mainstream adoption.”

Hamzah Khan Polygon Director of Growth


Enterprise-grade infrastructure made to serve you.



Why should I use Ankr services?

Ankr is a well-established industry player known for its enterprise-grade globally distributed infrastructure of nodes and for the largest number of chains on the market to support your requests.
We stand guard keeping your information secure and confidential, and our Privacy Policy states clearly that we do not rent, sell, or trade any Personal Information.
And we’re a dedicated team of Web3 enthusiasts pushing the boundaries of Blockchain tech guided by the innovative vision of our founders. We operate on the tech’s forefront, participate in the evolution of blockchain solutions, and expand the horizons of the Web3 space.

How do I get started with the Ankr platform?

We don't use tiresome account creation procedures to get access to our Premium services — just sign in with your MetaMask, Gmail, or GitHub account > Top up your account balance > and start querying blockchains right away.

What blockchains does the Ankr platform support?

Ankr supports the largest number of blockchains on the market. 55+ is the approximate number because we integrate new chains almost each week. And it might be the case that when you read these lines the number has already increased. You can find the full list of current blockchains on our platform.

What features does the Ankr platform provide?

Our Node API is the best way for querying blockchain data from Full and Archive nodes, while Advanced API serves for querying data that's been optimized, indexed, and cached, which provides for near-instant speeds and single-request multi-chain queries.
Our Projects enables clear structure and provides multiple-project analytics — it ties up blockchain requests to the actual products you develop, meaning that you'll have access to individual usage statistics for each of your products empowered with blockchains interaction.
Our Analytics powers your decision-making with precise usage data for each of your projects.
Our Team accounts introduce the power of collaboration into your project management routine. You can establish teams and define responsibilities for team members providing them with the range of access rights to perform particular duties — administration, finance, and development.

Which service plan is right for me?

There are several core parameters that form the backbone of your service experience and vary in numbers across the service plans we provide.
Enterprise. If your demand for the rate limits is higher than 1500 requests/second (up to 15000), then you should talk to our Sales team to get a tailor-made solution with Enterprise service plan.
On top of that, Enterprise can offer dedicated infrastructure, hand-picked chains, Cloud VM capability, direct Engineering team access on Slack and Telegram, payments in crypto, and custom SLAs. You have any more options or customizations on your mind — just contact Sales, we’ll get you covered.
Premium. With the Premium service plan, you get the rate limits of 1500 requests/second, access to 55+ blockchains, 3 projects, multi-project statistics, team accounts collaboration, and 24/7 priority portal support.
Freemium. If 30 requests/second cover your rate limit requirements, then we're happy to see you on our Freemium service plan.
On top of that, the Freemium service plan can offer 40 blockchains, 1 project, and Discord community support.
Public. Our Public service plan is a community-friendly option to empower Web3 individual developers and small projects with cost-free blockchain interaction.
It is the only free service plan on the market that doesn't even require you to sign in on the platform to start making requests.
With this option, you get 20 requests/second rate limits, and 40 blockchains to interact with.

Do I need to talk to Sales when selecting a service plan?

All our Free and Premium plans are entirely self-served. You should talk to Sales if only your requirements exceed those offered on those plans or you need a different level of service customization for your business to succeed.

How does Ankr treat user privacy?

At Ankr, we treat our user's privacy with the utmost respect. We cherish the credit of trust you put in us. And we stand guard keeping your information secure and confidential.
Ankr maintains the highest standards of user privacy and security as a Web3 service provider. Our Privacy Policy outlines our minimalistic, non-invasive approach to your data.
Ankr collects only Ephemeral Activity Data for the users and has no methods to correlate or associate this data for the purpose of identifying or tracking you.

Key terminology

What is Node API?

Node API is Ankr's product term for the gateway empowering your projects to interact with blockchains. Node API supports `HTTPS` and `WSS` protocols for RPC and REST types of requests for blockchain communication.
Node API contains the following method collections:
  • Standard — a collection of standard methods to connect to a node for interaction with on-chain data and sending different types of transactions to the network.
  • Trace — a collection of non-standard methods that provide full externality trace functions on transactions executed on the Ethereum chain.
  • Debug — a collection of non-standard RPC methods to inspect and debug transactions.
Node API grants access to the largest number of blockchains on the market — 55+ chains with both Mainnets and Testnets available.

What is Advanced API?

Advanced API is Ankr's product term for the gateway that introduces a superior way to query blockchains and provides access to the optimized, indexed, and cached archive blockchain data that allows for near-instant speeds and single-request multi-chain queries across 19 Mainnets and 6 Testnets.
Main advantages:
  • Fast interaction with Archive blockchain data.
  • Multiple chains in a single request.
  • Fewer requests for more information.

What is an RPC request?

Remote Procedure Call (or RPC) is a protocol that allows for clear communication in distributed systems. RPC request is a way for developers and Web3 applications to communicate with our Web3 API and perform read/write actions on the blockchain. RPC requests are used to send commands to a node, such as retrieving ownership data or sending transactions to the network.

What is the Projects feature?

The Projects feature allows you to organize and control your project’s endpoints, assign the blockchains to be used for each project, monitor multiple projects’ statistics, enable/disable your project's endpoints in one click, and define the domains, IPs, and smart contracts allowed for endpoints interaction.

What is the Team account feature?

The Team accounts feature empowers you to establish and manage the teams collaborating on particular projects. Team account managers configure the endpoints powering your projects, and entitle team members with specific access rights — administration, finance, and development — to delimit team members' responsibilities.

What are rate limits?

At Ankr, we use rate limits (or, alternatively, throughput speed) to denote the number of Node API or Advanced API requests that can be made in a certain amount of time, such as one second or one minute.


Does Ankr use per-request pricing?

For the Enterprise and Premium services we use the Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) charging model. It is a usage-based model, meaning that you have no commitment but pay for each request you make.
PAYG pricing per request:
API Type in API Credits in USD
Node API 200 $0.00002
Solana 500 $0.00005
Advanced API 700 $0.00007

How can I pay?

For our Premium services, we accept payments in both USD and ANKR. USD card payments are processed via Stripe, while for ANKR payments we use MetaMask wallet.

What is my Pay-as-you-go balance?

To check your PAYG balance, sign in on the platform with your MetaMask, Gmail, or GitHub account, and select Billing in the Navigation menu.
In the Billing pane selected, check out the Current balance tile on the top left. Here, you'll have the following info available:
  • API Credits (and the equal USD amount calculated at the latest exchange rate).