
Ankr RaaS Integrating Gevulot for Next-Level ZK Proof Generation

Kevin Dwyer

Kevin Dwyer

June 26, 2024

3 min read


Ankr and Asphere teams are now beginning the first steps of integrating Gevulot to amplify our Rollup as a Service (RaaS). All RaaS services and integrations are now offered by Asphere, launched by Ankr’s leadership team as the new home for future enterprise-level projects. This exciting development empowers new Layer 2 (L2) chains to leverage Gevulot’s decentralized proving approach to give ZK rollups high-speed and permissionless proving, predictable fees, and easy program deployment across multiple different languages.

“Integration with Gevulot was another big leap forward for Ankr & Asphere, which are committed to providing the most advanced RaaS offering. Our team is just as excited as they are in working toward the endgame of ZK to drive down the cost of computations and make all the world's compute verifiable.”

– Stanley Wu, Co-Founder and CTO Ankr

See all Ankr RaaS benefits

What Is Gevulot?

Gevulot is a permissionless and programmable Layer 1 blockchain for deploying proof systems as on-chain programs. Like other PoS chains, Gevulot uses its native token for balances, transfers, and staking. However, it focuses on deploying permissionless proof systems (like lightweight smart contracts) for fast and verifiable computations. Unlike traditional chains, Gevulot utilizes zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) for verification instead of re-executing computations. This allows for permissionless program deployment and verification speeds on par with centralized providers.

Learn more about Gevulot

How Does Gevulot Benefit the ZK Rollup Ecosystem?

Gevulot is designed specifically for dApps that require cheap and fast proof generation along with a guarantee of high uptime. The blockchain can be used by any application or network that relies on ZK proofs (except for those requiring privacy guarantees), including validity rollups, privacy rollups, zkVMs, or bridges.

  • Performance on par with centralized provers: Gevulot leverages lightweight unikernels for secure, high-performance proof systems with efficient workload distribution via Verifiable Random Functions.

  • Easy, permissionless program deployment: Gevulot's permissionless layer 1 blockchain lets developers deploy programs in various languages (C, C++, Python, etc.) compiled into easily integrated unikernel images.

  • High uptime and predictable fees: Gevulot utilizes VRFs and slashing to incentivize fast proof generation by groups of provers to ensure high uptime, while offering predictable fees based on cycles to reduce network strain and user costs.

How Will Gevulot Work With Ankr & Asphere RaaS Projects?

Integrating Gevulot with Rollup as a Service: Ankr & Asphere RaaS will add the customization option for clients to include Gevulot in their modular stack to enhance decentralization, permissionless development, and uptime.

  • Enhanced ZK proving for new L2s
  • Offers an additional tool for Ankr RaaS
  • Provides new opportunities for L2s

Build your new L2 today with Ankr & Gevulot

Final Thoughts

We at Ankr believe integrating with Gevulot is a game-changer for ZK rollup development. With the combined power of Ankr & Asphere RaaS and Gevulot's permissionless proving, developers have the tools they need to create truly innovative and impactful ZK applications. We invite all aspiring L2 developers to join us in building a more efficient, interconnected, and user-centric blockchain future.

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