
Announcing Team Accounts: Enhanced Project Management for RPC Service Users

Kevin Dwyer

Kevin Dwyer

January 31, 2024

3 min read


It hasn't been long since our last Projects update, and we're releasing yet another feature to extend the range of our platform capabilities for you!

Ankr is proud to introduce Team Accounts, a powerful new feature for businesses and enterprises managing dApps and projects powered by our RPC Service. Team Accounts streamline project organization, team collaboration, and access control, allowing you to manage your blockchain infrastructure with unprecedented precision and efficiency.

Now, any personal account holders using Premium or Enterprise plans can share RPC access and add people to their accounts via email invites so they can log in with separate credentials to see project stats, manage billing info, and join development efforts. This is a much more secure and efficient way of handling any project where multiple people are involved!

Key Benefits of Team Accounts

Dedicated Project Teams: Assign individual teams to specific projects or service functions. This fosters focused execution and accountability, eliminating confusion and overlap.

Granular Access Control: Define granular access rights for team members, including roles for administration, finance, and development. Ensure that only authorized individuals perform critical tasks.

Seamless Collaboration: Teams provide a central hub for project communication, data sharing, and task management. Enhance your team's productivity and transparency.

Unified Statistics: Monitor key metrics and track progress for each project in real-time. Gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions to optimize your dApp performance.

Simplified Account Management: Easily switch between team accounts, eliminating the need for multiple individual logins. Gain a holistic view of your entire blockchain operation.

Team Accounts Are Ideal For:

  • All enterprise and project teams running dApps with Ankr's RPC Service.
  • Organizations with complex blockchain infrastructure requiring efficient management.
  • Teams seeking to improve collaboration and accountability within their projects.

Ankr Teams is available immediately to all existing Premium and Enterprise customers. Upgrade your account today and experience the power of streamlined dApp management.

Create your Team Account →

Start Using the Team Account Feature Now

Log into your RPC Service account and select the Accounts menu. Then, select "create team account" to start the procedure. See the full guide in our docs.

Create your Team account


Invite Team members to collaborate via email


Assign access roles for team members


Control Teams, add and remove members, and more via the admin dashboard


Final Thoughts

Ankr’s Team Accounts ensure enterprises and developers have the tools they need to navigate the complexities of dApp management with confidence. Join us on this journey and witness the transformative impact of advanced blockchain project management!

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