
Build On Base With Ankr’s Newest RPC Connection!

Kevin Dwyer

Kevin Dwyer

August 9, 2023

3 min read


Ankr is thrilled to announce an essential addition to our RPC service with Base blockchain endpoints. Ankr’s RPC connections to Base will allow developers to build dApps on top of the network that have the ability to quickly and reliably communicate with the network and execute onchain transactions.

Ankr’s RPC API solutions for Base are now listed on the website’s documentation, providing a readily accessible tool for web3 developers to begin building their applications. Ankr’s node infrastructure aims to help scale Base as the network opens its public mainnet on August 9 for global use.

What is Base?

Base is an Ethereum Layer-2 blockchain that was built to become the onchain home for Coinbase products, users, and assets. It also serves as an open ecosystem allowing Web3 developers to create new dApps on top of the network. Powered by Optimism's OP Stack, Base aims to be one of the most secure, scalable, and interoperable EVM L2s in existence.

Learn more about Base.

A Word From Base & Ankr’s CEO

“Node providers are essential to support builders deploying their dapps on Base, and we’re excited to work with teams like Ankr that are helping provide a strong foundation and help us deliver on the vision to bring the next billion users onchain.”

-- Jesse Pollak, Creator of Base and Head of Protocols at Coinbase

“Ankr is incredibly excited about the potential for a more unified and standardized blockchain ecosystem with Base and Optimism’s OP stack. Interoperable scaling solutions working together with Ethereum as a settlement layer create a user-friendly means of onboarding the next billion citizens of web3. We’re going above and beyond to support the network with high-performance Base node infrastructure and connections.”

-- Chandler Song, Co-Founder & CEO, Ankr

What Are Ankr’s New Base RPC Connections?

  • Ankr’s Base RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) connect wallets, command-line interfaces, or dApps with the Base blockchain. They act as a messenger or blockchain router that relays on-chain information between Base nodes, dApps, and ultimately end-users so they can execute necessary tasks like making transactions, populating wallet balances, fetching ownership information, and much more.

  • Base RPC endpoints are a gateway for developers to interface directly with the Base network — a portal to communicate easily, remotely, and with no need to go through the DevOps of establishing their own Base nodes.

  • Ankr is providing a geo-distributed Base RPC comprised of blockchain nodes running worldwide for incredibly low-latency and reliable connections.

Get started now with our Base RPC endpoints!

How Do the Base RPCs Help Developers?

Building with Base is an excellent choice to create connected and scalable dApps but requires access to the information on Base nodes to do so. Therefore, Ankr’s RPC solves the following developer troubles:

Eliminates complex node ops - Ankr’s Base RPCs will completely remove the need for many developers to set up their own Base nodes, removing hours of time spent building, calibrating, and fixing node issues.

Grants access to advanced tools -  Ankr’s Premium RPC Plan instantly grants access to the best tools to build applications quickly, including:

  • At least 90,000 Base requests/min
  • High request priority
  • Global node locations
  • Telemetry
  • Debug mode
  • Support Portal
  • WebSockets (WS) capabilities

Powers apps and open-source software that need access to Base - Connect with a cluster of high-performance nodes that holds the information you need to build and operate dApps with Base blockchain capabilities.

Supports the Base networkAnkr will strengthen the Base network globally by offering easier development and a broader, distributed node infrastructure.

Get Started Building On Base For Free

You can get started now by heading to Ankr’s RPC Service to make your first call! You can use the endpoint https://rpc.ankr.com/base to call the Base chain using the standard EVM JSON RPC methods.

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