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Ethan Nelson

Ethan Nelson, a DeFi enthusiast and member of the Ankr Staking team, delves into DeFi topics with expertise. His insightful articles simplify complex concepts, empowering readers to navigate the dynamic world of decentralized finance confidently. Stay informed with Ethan's illuminating content on all things liquid staking and DeFi related.

Ethan Nelson

Author’s articles

Newest first
Understanding veTokenomics: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding veTokenomics: A Comprehensive Guide

Ethan Nelson

Ethan Nelson

June 8, 2023


In the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), new tokenomic models are emerging that are changing the way that projects are funded and governed. One such model is veTokenomics, which incentivizes...

Understanding Liquidity Pools: The Impact of Concentrated Liquidity

Understanding Liquidity Pools: The Impact of Concentrated Liquidity

Ethan Nelson

Ethan Nelson

May 31, 2023

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Decentralized finance (DeFi) has revolutionized the financial landscape, offering new opportunities for individuals to engage in open, permissionless, and borderless financial transactions. At the heart of many DeFi protocols...

Ankr Unlocks the Power of Omnichain Liquid Staking

Ankr Unlocks the Power of Omnichain Liquid Staking

Ethan Nelson

Ethan Nelson

May 22, 2023

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Through solutions like bridging and liquidity pools on various chains, ankrETH is going truly omnichain.

In this article, we will explore Ankr's flagship product, ankrETH, on the Ethereum network,...

Midas Capital and Ankr: Empowering DeFi Users with Innovative Liquidity Solutions

Midas Capital and Ankr: Empowering DeFi Users with Innovative Liquidity Solutions

Ethan Nelson

Ethan Nelson

May 15, 2023

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This article is a guest post written by Carlos Mazzaferro, the CTO of Midas Capital.

TLDR: By leveraging Midas’ unique borrowing, lending, and yield capabilities, Ankr is...

Ankr and Midas Partner to Launch Innovative Liquidity Pool

Ankr and Midas Partner to Launch Innovative Liquidity Pool

Ethan Nelson

Ethan Nelson

May 2, 2023

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The Ankr Liquid Staking Solution

The partnership between Ankr and Midas has resulted in the creation of an innovative liquidity pool that addresses one of the key limitations of...