Polkadot (DOT)Liquid Staking.
Powered by Ankr's staking infrastructure
Strategic advantage, reliable Polkadot (DOT) staking income and instant liquidity
26,997 DOT
Staked with Ankr
Polkadot (DOT) Staking Calculator
Why stake Polkadot (DOT) with Ankr Staking?
Immediate Access to Liquidity
Use your staked tokens at your discretion and move them across protocols and DEXs for extra rewards.

Unlock Staked Asset Value
Help secure the Polkadot network and validate transactions while controlling your staked assets with Ankr liquid staking tokens.

Hassle-free Income
No need to source and vet validators to delegate to - Ankr takes care of everything

How to Liquid Stake Polkadot (DOT)?
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It takes less than a minute, start with the “Stake Now” button
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Enter the amount of Polkadot (DOT) you want to stake and click Get aDOTb.
aDOTbThe aDOTb liquid token represents your staked assets and accumulated rewards, making your staking liquid.
The quantity of these tokens grows daily to represent staking rewards. Then you can redeem it 1 aDOTb to 1 DOT - 3
You can claim your Polkadot liquid staking token to your Ethereum wallet and manage it
You can check your staking exposure and earned rewards on the Dashboard
What can I do with my staked Polkadot (DOT)?
Hold it and see how it grows on your wallet, accumulating staking rewards.

Do any transfer as you usually do with ordinary Polkadot (DOT), no limits or restrictions.

Keep DeFi with aDOTb. Launch a liquidity pool or add liquidity to an existing one etc.

Unstake it for original Polkadot (DOT) and accumulated rewards after the 28-day unbonding period.