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Galina Mikova

As a seasoned technical writer, Galya Mikova excels at demystifying intricate blockchain topics. With a talent for simplifying complexity, she bridges the gap between complex technology and reader understanding, making blockchain accessible through her expertly crafted articles.

Galina Mikova

Author’s articles

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Customizable Privacy with Ankr's Secret Network RPC

Customizable Privacy with Ankr's Secret Network RPC

Galina Mikova

Galina Mikova

January 24, 2023


Building on the “privacy hub for Web3” just got a lot easier with Ankr’s RPC connection and gateway to communicate with the Secret Network blockchain.

Secret Network has made waves in...

Interoperable Data Extraction with Ankr’s Advanced API

Interoperable Data Extraction with Ankr’s Advanced API

Galina Mikova

Galina Mikova

January 6, 2023


At Ankr, we run RPC endpoints to multiple blockchains. In aggregate, we serve 100s of billions of requests every month. To make it easier for developers to query blockchains and...

Ankr 2022 : A Year In Highlights

Ankr 2022 : A Year In Highlights

Galina Mikova

Galina Mikova

December 30, 2022


2022 was a pivotal year for blockchain and, in many ways, for Ankr. The past months were filled with building, launching, and iterating products that multiplied developers’ power...

Ankr Makes Progress With Recovery Program Targets and Milestones

Ankr Makes Progress With Recovery Program Targets and Milestones

Galina Mikova

Galina Mikova

December 20, 2022


It’s been a week since Ankr detected a hack that resulted in excessive minting of our BNB liquid staking token (aBNBc) and its rapid exchange for other tokens on decentralized...

The Role of DeFi in Web3

The Role of DeFi in Web3

Galina Mikova

Galina Mikova

November 14, 2022

The Role of DeFi in Web3

The rise of decentralized crypto networks, also known as Web3.0, marks a shift in how people and organizations interact. These new networks will replace...