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Kev Silk

Kev Silk

Author’s articles

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Introducing Ultra Sound Infrastructure: Revolutionizing Web3 Connectivity & Performance

Introducing Ultra Sound Infrastructure: Revolutionizing Web3 Connectivity & Performance

Kev Silk

Kev Silk

July 25, 2023

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The Web3 industry is constantly evolving, which is why blockchain infrastructure providers must stay ahead of the curve for enterprises and developers. We at Ankr are proud to introduce...

Introducing AppChains on Ethereum: Unleashing the Potential of Ethereum for Large Enterprises

Introducing AppChains on Ethereum: Unleashing the Potential of Ethereum for Large Enterprises

Kev Silk

Kev Silk

June 27, 2023

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In the fast-paced world of technology, large enterprises face a distinct challenge: leveraging the transformative power of blockchain while avoiding the existing scalability limitations of Ethereum. As Ethereum...

The Power of Distributed Infrastructure: Promoting Performance for Decentralized Systems

The Power of Distributed Infrastructure: Promoting Performance for Decentralized Systems

Kev Silk

Kev Silk

May 18, 2023


Engineers in various industries are constantly seeking ways to maximize the potential of what they can create, but the success of their endeavors heavily relies on the infrastructure available to...

Best Practices in Launching Your Own Token

Best Practices in Launching Your Own Token

Kev Silk

Kev Silk

March 14, 2023


As blockchain technology revolutionizes various industries, launching tokens has become increasingly popular. However, launching a new digital asset on your own blockchain can be daunting, especially for those new to...

How Blockchains Increase Trust In Voting & Elections

How Blockchains Increase Trust In Voting & Elections

Kev Silk

Kev Silk

November 7, 2022


Web3 technology is the solution to the current inefficiencies in outdated voting systems.

Watching the World Series last night, I couldn’t help but notice the number of political advertisements on display....