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Krinza Momin

Krinza Momin

Author’s articles

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Query Log Entries 100x Faster with ankr_getLogs

Query Log Entries 100x Faster with ankr_getLogs

Krinza Momin

Krinza Momin

January 27, 2023

As a web3 developer working on Ethereum blockchain, you've likely come across the problem of trying to retrieve historical data. Traditional methods involve manually scanning through blocks and transactions, which...

Web3 Data Challenges and the State of APIs

Web3 Data Challenges and the State of APIs

Krinza Momin

Krinza Momin

December 21, 2022

An odyssey of data and frustration of a developer

Ah, the joys of querying Web3. It's like going on a grand adventure, where you're not quite sure what you're looking...