Advanced API
Ankr.js SDK

Ankr.js SDK

Ankr.js SDK contains a compact JavaScript library to enable you to interact with Advanced API.

Get started

  1. Install the latest package stored on npm (opens in a new tab).
# with npm
npm install
# with yarn
yarn add
  1. Initialize the SDK.

Sign in to the RPC Service (opens in a new tab) platform, get your individual endpoint from the Advanced API (opens in a new tab) pane, and provide it to the AnkrProvider constructor.

import { AnkrProvider } from '';
const provider = new AnkrProvider('YOUR_ENDPOINT');
  1. Use the provider to call either of the supported methods.
await provider.getNFTsByOwner({
  blockchain: 'eth',
  walletAddress: '0x0E11A192d574b342C51be9e306694C41547185DD',

Chains supported

Currently, ankr.js supports interaction with the following chains using their aliases:


  • Arbitrum: arbitrum.
  • Avalanche: avalanche.
  • Base: base.
  • BNB Smart Chain: bsc.
  • Ethereum: eth.
  • Fantom: fantom.
  • Flare: flare.
  • Gnosis: gnosis
  • Linea: linea.
  • Optimism: optimism.
  • Polygon: polygon.
  • Polygon zkEVM: polygon_zkevm.
  • Rollux: rollux.
  • Scroll: scroll.
  • Stellar: stellar.
  • Story: story.
  • Syscoin: syscoin.
  • Telos: telos
  • Xai: xai.
  • X Layer: xlayer


  • Avalanche Fuji: avalanche_fuji.
  • Base Sepolia: base_sepolia
  • Ethereum Holesky: eth_holesky.
  • Ethereum Sepolia: eth_sepolia.
  • Optimism Testnet: optimism_testnet.
  • Polygon Amoy: polygon_amoy.
  • Story Testnet: story_testnet.

Methods supported

  • getLogs — retrieves the logs matching the filter indicated.
  • getBlocks — retrieves the data on the blocks within the indicated range.
  • getTransactionsByHash — retrieves transaction details for a transaction specified by hash.
  • getAccountBalance — retrieves the coin and token balances of the wallet specified.
  • getNFTsByOwner — retrieves the data on all the NFTs (collectibles) owned by the indicated wallet.
  • getTokenHolders — retrieves the list of token holders for a given contract address.
  • getTokenHoldersCount — retrieves current and historical data on the number of token holders for a given contract address.
  • getCurrencies — retrieves a list of supported currencies for a given blockchain.
  • getTokenPriceHistory — retrieves the particular token's price history on the chain specified.


Retrieves the logs matching the filter indicated.

const logs = async () => {
  return await provider.getLogs({
    blockchain: 'eth',
    fromBlock: 1181739,
    toBlock: 1181739,
    topics: [
    address: '0x3589d05a1ec4af9f65b0e5554e645707775ee43c',
    decodeLogs: false,


Retrieves the data on the blocks within the indicated range.

const blocks = async () => {
  return await provider.getBlocks({
    blockchain: 'bsc',
    fromBlock: 100,
    toBlock: 200,


Retrieves transaction details for a transaction specified by hash.

const transactions = async () => {
  return await provider.getTransactionsByHash({
    decodeTxData: true,


Retrieves the coin and token balances of the wallet specified.

const balances = async () => {
  return await provider.getAccountBalance({
    blockchain: 'eth',
    walletAddress: '0xfa9019df60d3c710d7d583b2d69e18d412257617',


Retrieves the data on all the NFTs (collectibles) owned by the indicated wallet.

const nfts = async () => {
  return await provider.getNFTsByOwner({
    blockchain: 'eth',
    walletAddress: '0x0E11A192d574b342C51be9e306694C41547185DD',
    filter: [
      { '0x700b4b9f39bb1faf5d0d16a20488f2733550bff4': [] },
      { '0xd8682bfa6918b0174f287b888e765b9a1b4dc9c3': ['8937'] },


Retrieves the list of token holders for a given contract address.

const tokenHolders = async () => {
  return await provider.getTokenHolders({
    blockchain: 'eth',
    contractAddress: '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7',


Retrieves current and historical data on the number of token holders for a given contract address.

const tokenHoldersCount = async () => {
  return await provider.getTokenHoldersCount({
    blockchain: 'eth',
    contractAddress: '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7',


Retrieves a list of supported currencies for a given blockchain.

const currencies = async () => {
  return await provider.getCurrencies({ blockchain: 'fantom' });


Retrieves the particular token's price history on the chain specified. Either of the timestamp parameters MUST be provided to build a successful request — indicating both parameters leads to an error:

  • fromTimestamp corresponds to the time range starting from the timestamp specified in seconds (included in the range) and moving forward in time by the number of intervals. The number of fetched history prices can't exceed the limit specified.
  • toTimestamp corresponds to the time range starting from the timestamp specified in seconds (included in the range) and moving backward in time by the number of intervals. The number of fetched history prices can't exceed the limit specified.
const prices = async () => {
  return await provider.getTokenPriceHistory({
        blockchain: "eth",
        contractAddress: "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
        fromTimestamp: 1667195581, 
        interval: 86400, // 24h
        limit: 337