Liquid Staking

Release time

If you decide to unstake, the waiting period will depend on what network you chose when staking:

  • For POL Liquid Staking on Ethereum, it can take up to 3-4 days before you can claim your funds. Throughout this period, your POL will continue to earn staking rewards.
  • For POL Liquid Staking on Polygon, the unstake is fast, as what happens is your Liquid Staking token gets swapped for POL in a liquidity pool on Polygon.

Unstake POL

If you're unstaking on Polygon, a 0.5% technical service fee is deducted from the unstaking amount.

  1. Open Ankr Staking Dashboard (opens in a new tab).
  2. In the ankrPOL tile, click the button to unstake.
  3. Enter the unstake amount and click Unstake.
  4. Confirm the unstaking transaction in MetaMask.
  5. In the next Unstake in progress dialog, click Go to dashboard.

Once transaction is confirmed, Ankr Staking Dashboard updates to show Unstaking in progress at the token box.

For unstaking on Ethereum, the withdrawal period is 80 epochs and more depending on the network congestion. Typically, it takes around 1–2 days to receive your POL. Following the withdrawal period, your POL balance updates in your wallet and the Ankr Staking dashboard automatically.
For unstakig on Polygon, no withdrawal period applies, and you receive your POL instantly.