Node API
Supported Chains
Chains Quickstart

Chains Quickstart

This docs section provides the list of all chains available on the Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab). Each chain in the list has the following information structure:

Overview —— Networks —— Adding to MetaMask —— Methods —— API Querying

  • Overview — chain description based on official docs with quicklinks to chain's website, docs, and GitHub.
  • Networks — networks (Mainnet/Testnet) and protocols (HTTPS/WSS) we support for each chain.
  • Adding to MetaMask — using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask.
  • Methods — supported (link to the chain's API Reference) and unsupported methods.
  • API Querying — code snippets with basic requests in various languages and the corresponding JSON responses.

Chain info

Chains supported

Find the chain you require and go to its docs section by clicking it.

0GBitTorrent ChainFlareKintoRolluxTaiko
AptosBNB Smart ChainGnosisLineaSecret NetworkTenet
ArbitrumBotanixGnosis BeaconMantleSeiTON
Arbitrum NovaCeloGOATMatchainSolanaTRON
AvalancheCornHECO ChainNEARStellarX Layer
B2 NetworkElectroneumHorizen EONNervosStoryzkSync Era
BahamutEthereumIota EVMOptimismSui
BaseEthereum BeaconIoTeXPolkadotSwell
BitlayerFilecoinKavaPolygon zkEVMTAC


0G API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

0G Chain is a highly scalable, AI-optimized L1 blockchain designed to meet the needs of data-heavy applications. Built with a modular architecture, it allows for the independent optimization of key components like consensus, execution, and storage—making it ideal for AI-driven workflows. 0G is fully EVM-compatible, so decentralized applications (dApps) already deployed on other L1 or L2 chains (such as Ethereum or rollups) can easily leverage 0G's products without needing to migrate entirely.

0G Chain supports a data availability network (opens in a new tab), distributed storage network (opens in a new tab), and AI compute network (opens in a new tab). All of these networks integrate with 0G Chain's highly scalable consensus network, built to handle massive data volumes suitable for AI.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Testnet:
    • Tendermint RPC API (HTTPS and WSS)
    • Tendermint REST API (HTTPS)
    • Cosmos REST API (HTTPS)

API methods

For 0G, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

Tendermint (both for REST and JSON-RPC):

/health, /genesis, /broadcast_evidence, /dial_seeds, /dial_peers,


/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/address_by_id/{id}, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/module_accounts, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32/{address_bytes}, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32/{address_string}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply/{denom}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denom_owners/{denom}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/send_enabled, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/interfaces, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/interfaces/:interface_name/implementations, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/authn, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/chain, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/codec, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/configuration, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/query_services, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/tx_descriptor, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/abci_query, /cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/issued/{granter}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes/{voter}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes, /cosmos/gov/v1/params/{params_type}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits/{depositor}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/tally, /cosmos/group/v1/group_info/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policy_info/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_members/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/groups_by_admin/{admin}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_group/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_admin/{admin}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposal/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposals_by_group_policy/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/vote_by_proposal_voter/{proposal_id}/{voter}, /cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_proposal/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_voter/{voter}, /cosmos/group/v1/groups_by_member/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/tally, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/balance/{owner}/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/owner/{class_id}/{id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/supply/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/nfts, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/nfts/{class_id}/{id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/classes/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/classes, /cosmos/params/v1beta1/subspaces, /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/module_versions, /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/authority, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/node_info, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/syncing, /cosmos/params/v1beta1/params,

/syncing, /blocks/latest, /blocks/{height}, /validatorsets/latest, /validatorsets/{height}, /wasm/code, /wasm/code/{codeID}, /wasm/code/{codeID}/contracts, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}/code-hash, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}/query/{query}, /wasm/code/{codeID}/hash, /reg/consensus-io-exch-pubkey

API querying


curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Tendermint JSON-RPC

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "blockchain",
      "params": ["1", "2"],
      "id": 1

Tendermint REST


Cosmos REST



Allora API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

The Allora Network is an advanced protocol that leverages decentralized AI and machine learning (ML) to generate and share predictions among its participants. It provides a structured way for users to access on-chain AI predictions and pay the AI/ML node operators who produce these insights.

Allora acts as a bridge between various parties — data owners, processors, AI/ML predictors, market analysts, and end-users — allowing them to utilize and act on these predictions. AI/ML agents on the network use their data and algorithms to broadcast predictions across a peer-to-peer network. They also evaluate predictions from other agents.

The network’s consensus mechanism then combines these predictions and assessments, rewarding agents based on the quality of their contributions. This incentive system helps Allora continuously learn and adapt to changing market conditions.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Testnet:
    • Tendermint RPC API (HTTPS and WSS)
    • Tendermint REST API (HTTPS)
    • Cosmos REST API (HTTPS)

API methods

For Allora, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

Tendermint (both for REST and JSON-RPC):

/health, /genesis, /broadcast_evidence, /dial_seeds, /dial_peers,


/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/address_by_id/{id}, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/module_accounts, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32/{address_bytes}, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32/{address_string}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply/{denom}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denom_owners/{denom}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/send_enabled, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/interfaces, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/interfaces/:interface_name/implementations, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/authn, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/chain, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/codec, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/configuration, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/query_services, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/tx_descriptor, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/abci_query, /cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/issued/{granter}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes/{voter}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes, /cosmos/gov/v1/params/{params_type}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits/{depositor}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/tally, /cosmos/group/v1/group_info/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policy_info/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_members/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/groups_by_admin/{admin}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_group/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_admin/{admin}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposal/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposals_by_group_policy/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/vote_by_proposal_voter/{proposal_id}/{voter}, /cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_proposal/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_voter/{voter}, /cosmos/group/v1/groups_by_member/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/tally, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/balance/{owner}/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/owner/{class_id}/{id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/supply/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/nfts, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/nfts/{class_id}/{id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/classes/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/classes, /cosmos/params/v1beta1/subspaces, /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/module_versions, /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/authority, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/node_info, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/syncing, /cosmos/params/v1beta1/params,

/syncing, /blocks/latest, /blocks/{height}, /validatorsets/latest, /validatorsets/{height}, /wasm/code, /wasm/code/{codeID}, /wasm/code/{codeID}/contracts, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}/code-hash, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}/query/{query}, /wasm/code/{codeID}/hash, /reg/consensus-io-exch-pubkey

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "block",
      "params": ["761001"],
      "id": 1

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": -1,
    "result": {
        "block_id": {
            "hash": "663789D1BAA0354453A5BB1474C46C9F74E6140B247153482BBE84893C029600",
            "parts": {
                "total": 1,
                "hash": "BFCC2C78C439E367ABEEA996FD9A120EAA70DC44572B8BFDCA032908BA4B439B"
        "block": {
            "header": {
                "version": {
                    "block": "11"
                "chain_id": "allora-testnet-1",
                "height": "761001",
                "time": "2024-08-21T21:33:36.088780054Z",
                "last_block_id": {
                    "hash": "AD51186842A63CB515A4946C558DF1DA71D384DF646EC5522ECD5008E3FAEDA0",
                    "parts": {
                        "total": 1,
                        "hash": "16A9CCD523F2E593E66F46CBD20FCC03B5849ACE5325951E50BC53B6D7D2F893"
                "last_commit_hash": "77BE45E09B5A5F40FA1F10BF430C2E14371445B9E2DF89952478E84A98DFA081",
                "data_hash": "78F2AF9D01AC871045FB53CB383AA50EF4C0094E9563428BFF8BA59071801050",
                "validators_hash": "CB957FF7AB192A9F9321F0E471C7BAE5A9AA82573FF8D509F8ACF7CA3A450A42",
                "next_validators_hash": "CB957FF7AB192A9F9321F0E471C7BAE5A9AA82573FF8D509F8ACF7CA3A450A42",
                "consensus_hash": "048091BC7DDC283F77BFBF91D73C44DA58C3DF8A9CBC867405D8B7F3DAADA22F",
                "app_hash": "72AEC5979CEA9EE65275B77DA8F31676C7E52DA57B991D86C4870237E3D40127",
                "last_results_hash": "455FD6D9D1888EBE5B8602E20E84EEACA30020B717A5B5298890E7236CAB84AD",
                "evidence_hash": "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855",
                "proposer_address": "01458B61F0D7DE6E90798FE8C370413D718EB34C"
            "data": {
                "txs": [
            "evidence": {
                "evidence": []
            "last_commit": {
                "height": "761000",
                "round": 0,
                "block_id": {
                    "hash": "AD51186842A63CB515A4946C558DF1DA71D384DF646EC5522ECD5008E3FAEDA0",
                    "parts": {
                        "total": 1,
                        "hash": "16A9CCD523F2E593E66F46CBD20FCC03B5849ACE5325951E50BC53B6D7D2F893"
                "signatures": [
                        "block_id_flag": 1,
                        "validator_address": "",
                        "timestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "signature": null
                        "block_id_flag": 2,
                        "validator_address": "2D5A6E69CDFBE8FF7C0C2DAFF752387AC73B9AB1",
                        "timestamp": "2024-08-21T21:33:36.07519025Z",
                        "signature": "LvyV25u8kxAivi7rHuAZlXtawVBMYyOJflcr4al44TWVLmYnztqycSgGyi1S9GkUGoeA4nG+wRM/4pqk4YIKDQ=="


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Aptos API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

The Aptos blockchain, designed with scalability, safety, reliability, and upgradability as key principles, to address blockchain challenges, such as frequent outages, high costs, low throughput limits, and security concerns. The Aptos blockchain has been developed over the past three years by over 350+ developers across the globe. It offers new and novel innovations in consensus, smart contract design, system security, performance, and decentralization. The combination of these technologies will provide a fundamental building block to bring web3 to the masses.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS)

API methods

For Aptos, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

/v1/spec, /v1/-/healthy

API querying

Request example

curl -X GET{your_token}/v1/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Response example

  "chain_id": 0,
  "epoch": "32425224034",
  "ledger_version": "32425224034",
  "oldest_ledger_version": "32425224034",
  "ledger_timestamp": "32425224034",
  "node_role": "validator",
  "oldest_block_height": "32425224034",
  "block_height": "32425224034",
  "git_hash": "string"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Arbitrum API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Arbitrum is a side chain that runs parallel to Ethereum Mainnet. Also known as a Layer 2 (L2) scaling solution, Arbitrum improves transaction speeds and cost compared to the mainnet, making it an excellent solution for Ethereum developers.

By the Arbitrum we mean Arbitrum One which is the flagship Arbitrum mainnet chain; it is an Optimistic Rollup chain running on top of Ethereum Mainnet, and is open to all users. In an upgrade on 8/31, the Arbitrum One chain was upgraded to use the Nitro (opens in a new tab) tech stack, maintaining the same state.

Official quick links:


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Arbitrum, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Public service plan has a 2MB request body limit. Use Premium instead for requests exceeding that limit.

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example


Arbitrum Nova

Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Arbitrum Nova API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Arbitrum Nova offers an ultra-low transaction costs with high security. Nova powers dapps with high transaction volumes that seek to drive costs even lower.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Arbitrum Nova, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "0x257932"


Atleta API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Atleta is a modular, multi-layer, EVM-compatible, smart contract platform with native cross-chain interoperability, dedicated to servicing the sports industry.

Key Features of Atleta Network:

  • Modular Multi-Layer Architecture: Atleta's design separates core blockchain functions into distinct layers — Execution, Interoperability, and Storage. This modularity allows for scalability and adaptability, enabling seamless upgrades without disrupting ongoing operations.
  • Execution Layer: An Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible smart contract layer that facilitates transactions and supports the development of decentralized applications.
  • Interoperability Layer: Enables cross-chain communication, allowing for the transfer of assets and messages between different blockchain networks, thereby fostering a connected and collaborative ecosystem.
  • Storage Layer: Provides a decentralized data storage solution for various types of information, including videos, text files, and images, ensuring secure and efficient data management.
  • Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) Consensus Mechanism: Atleta employs NPoS to enhance decentralization and security. This consensus model allows a wide range of participants to contribute to network validation and governance, promoting inclusivity and resilience.
  • High Performance and Scalability: The network is designed to handle substantial transaction volumes, achieving approximately 60–80 transactions per second with a block time of around 6 seconds. This performance is facilitated by its Substrate-based architecture, which enables modular scalability.
  • Instant Finality: Utilizing the GRANDPA (GHOST-based Recursive Ancestor Deriving Prefix Agreement) finality gadget, Atleta ensures immediate transaction finality per block, enhancing security and efficiency.
  • EVM Compatibility: Atleta supports EVM-compatible smart contracts, allowing developers to deploy existing Ethereum-based applications and leverage liquidity across other EVM networks seamlessly.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Testnet:
    • Olympia (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Atleta, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x7b0d3"


Avail API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Avail is a Web3 infrastructure layer that allows modular execution layers to scale and interoperate in a trust minimized way.

A foundational Data Availability (DA) layer, Nexus interoperability layer, and Fusion Security network layer come together to form the Unification Layer.

  • The DA layer is a highly optimized, low-level layer, specifically constructed for data availability. This is the deepest blockchain layer, with the minimal functionality required to build cross-ecosystem interoperability on top.
  • Nexus acts as a light but powerful proof aggregation and sequencer selection ZK rollup on top of Avail, allowing for cross-rollup and cross-ecosystem settlement.
  • Fusion Security enables a basket of tokens to pool their crypto-economic security to serve and secure the Avail network.

Avail's mission is to streamline the rollup experience, offering a unified, efficient platform for both users and developers from any ecosystem. This vertically integrated stack aims to dissolve the growing pains and user fragmentation experienced today, enabling Rollups to seamlessly access users and liquidity across the entire blockchain landscape.

The Turing Testnet is live and marks Avail's final and definitive pre-Mainnet testing environment, aimed at vetting Mainnet deployments, executing extensive stress tests, and assessing network topologies for scalability and resilience.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Turing Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Avail, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

state_getMetadata, state_getPairs, state_traceBlock, state_trieMigrationStatus, state_subscribeStorage, state_unsubscribeStorage, state_queryStorage, sync_state_genSyncSpec, system_accountNextIndex, system_addLogFilter, system_addReservedPeer, system_health, system_localListenAddresses, system_localPeerId, system_name, system_nodeRoles, system_peers, system_properties, system_removeReservedPeer, system_reservedPeers, system_resetLogFilter, system_syncState, system_unstable_networkState, system_version,

account_*, babe_*, mmr_*, dev_*, offchain_*, author_*

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 1,
      "method": "chain_getBlock",
      "params": []

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "block": {
            "header": {
                "parentHash": "0x32d67a9e5843dd8527bf0e2ec1f4c6d2f8642ef264348ef7d610575619a5b6e8",
                "number": "0x49993",
                "stateRoot": "0x7d0860d48e20e42886aeac479dd339d1f75387d3be844a490ca1734efd430213",
                "extrinsicsRoot": "0x07d2cb3154a4bc3ff485d0101bb1cba8045bf1bd74a34a977cc2672a41e76596",
                "digest": {
                    "logs": [
                "extension": {
                    "V3": {
                        "appLookup": {
                            "size": 114,
                            "index": [
                                    "appId": 36,
                                    "start": 0
                        "commitment": {
                            "rows": 1,
                            "cols": 128,
                            "commitment": [
                            "dataRoot": "0x67e432157400275ba4e6e7c9d61312afa5cbbea68d8b718fa8be3038980a9970"
            "extrinsics": [
        "justifications": null
    "id": 1


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Avalanche API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Avalanche is an open-source platform for launching decentralized applications and enterprise blockchain deployments in one interoperable, highly scalable ecosystem. Avalanche is the first decentralized smart contracts platform built for the scale of global finance, with near-instant transaction finality. Ethereum developers can quickly build on Avalanche as Solidity works out-of-the-box.

Avalanche is an ecosystem that features three built-in blockchains: Exchange Chain (X-Chain) (opens in a new tab), Platform Chain (P-Chain) (opens in a new tab), and Contract Chain (C-Chain) (opens in a new tab).

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet / Fuji Testnet:
    • Standard EVM API (HTTPS and WSS)
    • X-Chain (HTTPS)
    • P-Chain (HTTPS)
    • C-Chain (HTTPS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Avalanche through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Avalanche network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Avalanche Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Avalanche Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 43114.
    • Currency symbol: AVAX.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Avalanche Mainnet.

To add Avalanche Fuji Testnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Avalanche Fuji Testnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 43113.
    • Currency symbol: AVAX.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Avalanche Fuji Testnet.

API methods

For Avalanche, we support blockchain interaction via the following methods:


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork, eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*,

avm.createAddress, avm.exportKey, avm.importKey, avm.export, avm.import,, avm.createFixedCapAsset, avm.createVariableCapAsset, avm.createNFTAsset, avm.mintNFT, avm.listAddresses, avm.send, avm.sendMultiple, avm.sendNFT, wallet.send, wallet.sendMultiple, wallet.issueTx, avax.export, avax.exportAVAX, avax.exportKey, avax.import, avax.importAVAX, avax.importKey,

platform.addDelegator, platform.addValidator, platform.addSubnetValidator, platform.createAddress, platform.createBlockchain, platform.createSubnet, platform.exportAVAX, platform.exportKey, platform.importAVAX, platform.importKey, platform.listAddresses


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example (Standard EVM)

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example (Standard EVM)


Request example (P-Chain)

curl -X POST '{your_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "id"     :1,
    "method" :"platform.getBalance",
    "params" :{

Response example (P-Chain)

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "txID": "NUPLwbt2hsYxpQg4H2o451hmTWQ4JZx2zMzM4SinwtHgAdX1JLPHXvWSXEnpecStLj"

Request example (C-Chain)

curl -X POST '{your_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "id"     :1,
    "method" :"avax.getAtomicTx",
    "params" : {
        "encoding": "hex"

Response example (C-Chain)

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "tx": "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",
    "encoding": "hex",
    "blockHeight": "1"
  "id": 1

Request example (X-Chain)

curl -X POST '{your_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "id"     :1,
    "method" :"avm.getAddressTxs",
    "params" : {

Response example (X-Chain)

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "txIDs": ["SsJF7KKwxiUJkczygwmgLqo3XVRotmpKP8rMp74cpLuNLfwf6"],
    "cursor": "1"
  "id": 1

B2 Network

B² Network API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

The B² Network is an advanced Layer-2 solution designed to enhance transaction speed, reduce costs, and broaden application diversity without compromising security. It is notable for being the first zero-knowledge proof verification commitment rollup on Bitcoin.

Key Features:

  • Zero-Knowledge Proof Verification: Utilizes zero-knowledge proof technology to ensure transactional privacy and security, allowing for the verification of transactions without revealing the underlying data.

  • Rollup Technology: Processes multiple off-chain transactions and rolls them into a single on-chain transaction, significantly increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

  • Turing-Complete Smart Contracts: Supports Turing-complete smart contracts, enabling complex computations and a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps) to run off-chain with enhanced performance.

  • Gate Commitment and Challenge-Response Mechanism: Integrates gate commitment and challenge-response mechanisms, leveraging Taproot on Bitcoin to ensure secure and private transaction confirmations.

  • EVM-Compatibility: The B² Network is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing it to run Ethereum-based smart contracts and dApps. This compatibility enables developers to use existing Ethereum tools, libraries, and standards while benefiting from the B² Network's enhanced features.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For B² Network, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Bahamut API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Bahamut is an EVM-based, Layer 1 public blockchain designed to improve block reward distribution by incorporating validator activity into the consensus algorithm.

Key Features:

  • EVM-Compatible: Fully compatible with Ethereum smart contracts.
  • Layer 1 Blockchain: Operates independently with its own infrastructure.
  • Consensus Mechanism: Proof of Stake and Activity (PoSA)

Bahamut introduces a unique Proof of Stake and Activity (PoSA) consensus mechanism, combining traditional PoS with an activity parameter based on the gas used by a validator's smart contracts.

  • Proof of Stake (PoS): Validators are selected based on their stake in the network.
  • Activity Parameter: Measures and rewards validators based on their smart contract activity, influencing their chances of proposing new blocks.


  • Encourages Active Participation: Rewards validators for both stake and activity.
  • Fair Reward Distribution: Ensures a more equitable distribution of block rewards.
  • Improved Efficiency: Promotes faster transaction processing and smart contract execution.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Bahamut, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x2c599a"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Base API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Base is a secure, low-cost, developer-friendly Ethereum L2 built to bring the next billion users to web3.

Base is built on the Bedrock (opens in a new tab) release of the OP Stack (opens in a new tab), which is designed from the ground up to be as close to Ethereum as possible. Because of this, there are very little differences when it comes to building on Base and Ethereum.

However, there are still some minor discrepancies between the behavior of Base and Ethereum that you should be aware of when building apps on top of Base.

These minor differences include:

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet:
    • Sepolia (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Base, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "0x459996"


Berachain API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Berachain is a high-performance EVM-compatible blockchain built on Proof-of-Liquidity consensus. Proof-of-Liquidity is a novel consensus mechanism that aims to align network incentives, creating strong synergy between Berachain validators and the ecosystem of projects. Berachain's technology is built on Polaris, a high-performance blockchain framework for building EVM-compatible chains on-top of the CometBFT consensus engine.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Berachain, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x26a494"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Bitcoin API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Bitcoin API provides the means for communication with the Bitcoin’s public ledger.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS)
  • Signet Testnet (HTTPS)

API methods

For Bitcoin, we support blockchain interaction via the following interfaces:


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

Bitcoin's HTTPS:

savemempool, verifychain, getmemoryinfo, getrpcinfo, gettransaction, help, logging, stop, uptime, getblocktemplate, getmininginfo, getnetworkhashps, pruneblockchain, generateblock, generatetoaddress, generatetodescriptor, prioritisetransaction, submitblock, submitheader, addnode, clearbanned, disconnectnode, getaddednodeinfo, getconnectioncount, getnettotals, getnetworkinfo, getnodeaddresses, getpeerinfo, listbanned, ping, setban, setnetworkactive, signrawtransactionwithkey, createmultisig, getdescriptorinfo, signmessagewithprivkey, abandontransaction, abortrescan, addmultisigaddress, backupwallet, bumpfee, createwallet, dumpprivkey, dumpwallet, encryptwallet, getaddressesbylabel, getbalance, getbalances, getnewaddress, getrawchangeaddress, getreceivedbyaddress, getreceivedbylabel, getunconfirmedbalance, getwalletinfo, importaddress, importdescriptors, importmulti, importprivkey, importprunedfunds, importpubkey, importwallet, keypoolrefill, listaddressgroupings, listlabels, listlockunspent, listreceivedbyaddress, listreceivedbylabel, listtransactions, listsinceblock, listunspent, listwalletdir, listwallets, loadwallet, lockunspent, psbtbumpfee, removeprunedfunds, rescanblockchain, send, sendmany, sendtoaddress, sethdseed, setlabel, setwalletflag, signmessage, settxfee, signrawtransactionwithwallet, unloadwallet, upgradewallet, walletcreatefundedpsbt, walletlock, walletpassphrase, walletpassphrasechange, walletprocesspsbt, deriveaddresses, fundrawtransaction, scantxoutset, preciousblock, gettxoutsetinfo

Blockbook API:

  • All WebSocket methods
  • All methods

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-d '{
      "id": "hmm",
      "method": "getindexinfo",
      "params": []

Response example

    "result": {
        "txindex": {
            "synced": true,
            "best_block_height": 843277
        "basic block filter index": {
            "synced": true,
            "best_block_height": 843277
    "error": null,
    "id": "hmm"


Bitlayer API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Bitlayer is the first Bitcoin security-equivalent layer 2 based on BitVM. It consists of an EVM compatible chain/sequencer that can map BTC ecological assets and facilitate the entry of BTC users.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Bitlayer, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x4718"

BitTorrent Chain

Available for Premium users only.

BitTorrent Chain API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

BitTorrent Chain (BTTC) is a layer 2 scaling solution, BTTC strives to solve scalability and usability issues without compromising decentralization, and can make full use of the existing Ethereum developer community and ecosystem. BTTC is fully compatible with Ethereum, and existing applications on Ethereum can be easily migrated to this BTTC. In addition to the same experience as Ethereum, users can also enjoy ultra-high throughput and extremely low fees.

Users can conduct fast, low-cost, and safe transactions on BTTC, and assets on BTTC can be easily transferred between Ethereum, TRON, and BNB Smart Chain.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with BitTorrent Chain through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required BitTorrent Chain network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add BitTorrent Chain Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: BitTorrent Chain Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 199.
    • Currency symbol: BTT.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with BitTorrent Chain Mainnet.

API methods

For BitTorrent Chain, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Blast API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Blast is the only Ethereum L2 with native yield for ETH and stablecoins.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Sepolia Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Blast, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example


BNB Smart Chain

Available for Freemium and Premium users.

BNB Smart Chain API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

BNB Smart Chain (BSC) (previously Binance Smart Chain) is an innovative solution to bring programmability and interoperability to Beacon Chain. BNB Smart Chain relies on a system of 21 active validators with Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) consensus that can support short block time and lower fees. The most bonded validator candidates of staking will become validators and produce blocks. The double-sign detection and other slashing logic guarantee security, stability, and chain finality.

To the EVM compatibility that permits support for Ethereum tools and DApps, BNB Smart Chain adds smart contract functionality to the chain. The dual-chain architecture alongside Binance Chain enables sending and receiving of BNB and BEP2 tokens cross-chain.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Chapel Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with BNB Smart Chain through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required BNB Smart Chain network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add BNB Smart Chain Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: BNB Smart Chain Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 56.
    • Currency symbol: BNB.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with BNB Smart Chain Mainnet.

To add BNB Smart Chain Testnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: BNB Smart Chain Chapel Testnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 97.
    • Currency symbol: BNB.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with BNB Smart Chain Chapel Testnet.

API methods

For BNB Smart Chain, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Botanix API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Botanix is a decentralized Turing-complete Layer 2 EVM built on the native currency of bitcoin. It operates using two core components:

  • Ethereum Virtual Machine: Fortified by a Proof-of-Stake consensus protocol that leverages Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work for superior security. Stakes are represented by actual bitcoin stored securely within multi-signature wallets on the Bitcoin network. By supporting EVM, Botanix allows developers to seamlessly port existing Ethereum dApps to the Bitcoin ecosystem.
  • Spiderchain Protocol: At the core of Botanix is the Spiderchain, a series of successive multisignature (multisig) wallets managed by randomized sets of orchestrators. This structure secures user funds and facilitates the movement of Bitcoin within the network, effectively separating Bitcoin "the asset" from Bitcoin "the blockchain." By securing the Bitcoin present on Botanix in a decentralized chain of multisigs, it separates Bitcoin from the EVM. This allows for a transition from Bitcoin’s UTXO model to an account model used in the EVM.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Botanix, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x5c061"


Celo API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Celo is a mobile-first blockchain designed to make decentralized financial (DeFi) tools and services accessible to anyone with a mobile phone.

Celo is a layer 1 protocol and blockchain platform. The Celo Mainnet is entirely separate from the Ethereum network. The Celo client originated as a fork of Ethereum Go language client, go-ethereum (opens in a new tab) (or geth). Celo has several significant differences, including a Proof-of-Stake-based Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) consensus mechanism.

All the crypto assets on Celo have ERC-20 compliant interfaces, meaning that while they are not ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum Mainnet, all familiar tooling and code that support ERC-20 tokens can be easily adapted for Celo assets, including Celo Native Asset (CELO) and Celo Dollar (cUSD).

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Celo through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Celo network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Celo Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Celo Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:
    • Chain ID: 42220.
    • Currency symbol: CELO.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Celo Mainnet.

API methods

For Celo, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Chiliz API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Chiliz is an EVM-compatible Layer-1 blockchain built to serve as the foundation for an ever-growing ecosystem of enterprise-level sports and entertainment stakeholders developing blockchain-based user/fan experiences and B2B/B2C tools within their respective industries.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Chiliz, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x2a35d7"


Core API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Core is a layer 1 blockchain built around a unique consensus mechanism called "Satoshi Plus" (opens in a new tab).

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Core, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x905bb4"


Corn API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Corn is an Ethereum Layer 2 network that offers a rich, Bitcoin-centric ecosystem powered by cutting-edge technologies. It includes Bitcorn (BTCN) as its gas token, the popCORN System for long-term incentives, and LayerZero for seamless cross-chain asset transfers. Built on Arbitrum Orbit, Corn brings unparalleled scalability and efficiency, with support for Stylus, enabling developers to use multiple programming languages for smart contract development.

Key components:

  • Bitcorn (BTCN): A Bitcoin-backed asset used as gas, transforming Bitcoin into a utility token for transactions and smart contracts.
  • popCORN System: veTokenomics-inspired mechanism allowing $CORN stakers to vote on yield distribution, aligning user and protocol incentives.
  • Bitcoin Secured Network: Integrates Bitcoin staking (via Babylon) with Ethereum staking for dual-layer security.
  • Arbitrum Orbit Foundation: Combines Ethereum's security with scalable and cost-effective infrastructure, supporting multi-language smart contracts via Stylus.
  • Cross-Chain Interoperability: LayerZero and ThorCorn enable seamless asset transfers across chains.
  • BlueCorn & Bitcoin Clearing House: Simplifies BTCN minting directly from Coinbase accounts, enhancing Bitcoin’s utility within Corn.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Corn, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x209ac"


Electroneum API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Electroneum is an IBFT-based blockchain that operates with known validators, ensuring a high level of trust and security. Compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Electroneum allows developers to easily deploy and interact with smart contracts. The blockchain offers impressive 5-second transaction speeds, facilitated by its unique proprietary instant blockchain finality system.

The finality system ensures that transactions are quickly and irreversibly confirmed, eliminating the need for multiple confirmations and enabling rapid and efficient transactions. Combined with ultra low-cost smart contract fees, Electroneum provides an attractive platform for developers and users alike.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Electroneum, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x1e6d99"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Ethereum API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Ethereum is a blockchain with a computer embedded in it. It is the foundation for building apps and organizations in a decentralized, permissionless, censorship-resistant way. Ethereum uses a proof-of-stake-based consensus mechanism (opens in a new tab).

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet:
    • Holesky (HTTPS and WSS)
    • Sepolia (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Ethereum through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Ethereum network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Ethereum Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Ethereum Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 1.
    • Currency symbol: ETH.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Ethereum Mainnet.

To add Ethereum Sepolia Testnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Ethereum Sepolia Testnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 11155111.
    • Currency symbol: ETH.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Ethereum Sepolia Testnet.

API methods

For Ethereum, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0xf3c34b"

Ethereum Beacon

Available for Premium users only.

Ethereum Beacon API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab) upon switching on the Beacon toggle.

The Ethereum Beacon Chain is a consensus layer that introduced a proof-of-stake (opens in a new tab) to Ethereum. The Beacon Chain mechanism is responsible for creating new blocks, making sure those new blocks are valid, and rewarding validators with ETH for keeping the network secure.

The Beacon Chain has several clients to choose from, serving the same purpose but built with slightly different focus in mind:

  • Prysm (opens in a new tab) — focuses on usability, security, and reliability. Prysm is developed by Prysmatic Labs, a company with the sole focus on the development of their client.
  • Lighthouse (opens in a new tab) — a client with a heavy focus on speed and security. Built by Sigma Prime, an information security and software engineering firm who have funded Lighthouse along with the Ethereum Foundation, ConsenSys, and private individuals.
  • Nimbus (opens in a new tab) — strives to be as lightweight as possible in terms of resources used. This allows it to perform well on embedded systems, resource-restricted devices — including Raspberry Pis — and multi-purpose servers.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab), Eth Beacon Node API specification (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS)
  • Testnet:
    • Holesky (HTTPS)
    • Sepolia (HTTPS)

API methods

For the Ethereum Beacon Chain, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


API querying

Request example

curl -X GET "{your_token}/eth/v1/beacon/genesis" \
-H "Accept: application/json"

Response example

    "data": {
        "genesis_time": "1606824023",
        "genesis_validators_root": "0x4b363db94e286120d76eb905340fdd4e54bfe9f06bf33ff6cf5ad27f511bfe95",
        "genesis_fork_version": "0x00000000"


Available for Premium users only.

Fantom API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Fantom is a fast, scalable, and secure layer-1 platform built on an aBFT consensus protocol. Fantom is permissionless, decentralized, open-source, and fully compatible with Ethereum.

Lachesis, its revolutionary aBFT consensus mechanism, allows Fantom to be much faster and cheaper than previous technologies, yet extremely secure.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Fantom through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Fantom network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Fantom Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Fantom Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 250.
    • Currency symbol: FTM.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Fantom Mainnet.

To add Fantom Testnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Fantom Testnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 4002.
    • Currency symbol: FTM.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Fantom Testnet.

API methods

For Fantom, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Filecoin API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Filecoin is a peer-to-peer network that stores files, with built-in economic incentives and cryptography to ensure files are stored reliably over time.

Filecoin is built on top of the same software powering IPFS (opens in a new tab) protocol, which is a peer-to-peer distributed storage network that leverages content addressing (opens in a new tab) to allow permanent references to the data, and avoids relying on specific devices or cloud servers for addressing the content. Filecoin is different from IPFS because it has an incentive layer on top to incentivize contents to be reliably stored and accessed.

Filecoin enables several use cases, from Web3 native NFT and metaverse/game assets storage, incentivized permanent storage, to archiving Web2 datasets as a cheaper alternative to cloud storage.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Filecoin, we support blockchain interaction via the following methods:


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

HTTPS EVM methods:

eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_syncing, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*

WSS EVM methods:

txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

WSS Filecoin methods:


API querying

Request example (Standard EVM)

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example (Standard EVM)

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "0x2910f9"

Request example (Filecoin native)

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "Filecoin.ChainGetBlock",
      "params": [
                    "/": "bafy2bzacecbzs3i5qubhgozauss4nvifgty5zvyvf6cy6frnnznojdmfl6phe"
      "id": 1

Response example (Filecoin native)

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "Miner": "f0427989",
        "Ticket": {
            "VRFProof": "pbmP9mctFpH6BoFFh22uvzv8Ixx0rJq9YanJLFTRsgIWDibuomloU2UTWiN8007KBYAnB5Xj1jw7o81VJzKrUByqHUpZHWZM34CgVkuzcHPoSJpM8XGxs2GQkfNAncK2"
        "ElectionProof": {
            "WinCount": 1,
            "VRFProof": "oLSLThMoFfGX4E8cDIEULGmUteJY/10nCfun3hiRE1PDIpkPOnoBACmto7/SCz1yFixgQaysEcKK6RCx1ImUW2Q9dlrj3MCbjRQtNiumTXviDqAWgoxYU55QSBDpLbel"
        "BeaconEntries": [
                "Round": 2787998,
                "Data": "h+zHzc0DvUFIWFpFzqREiA2f3Uk4sn5NExnJJUtfju3Hlc0/dkNXq31+su9kh/q1CK69TRUy9562jx/eV4XXw1lA4QhDxBBWKoxQL/xR+zoCcfm4nzoD3HximnPCEEQA"
        "WinPoStProof": [
                "PoStProof": 3,
                "ProofBytes": "pK36Z/ehsV5sqyoX/Gc64tsV2yQOW6X+p8Wy1wH03WC9VA6qyc3ZaTt4d9oI6xVniJdyHiu22yMsXfimEfVSc/UzThf8KrnIBMWZr3sSQsOVusdf1zV5zNfvDr1wccHhCjIExyinkvGRW/irioDZ49Jrm5PUvaBERIuJC4hUp0DijM8UgY7FIYTA16HHp7gbpUzU7mpofBz42tL3c/8LgOmLd7FKOh69fk0xHYaeQU1Oz3cbSSHWL8a/wRf4y3nV"
        "Parents": [
                "/": "bafy2bzaceaxasycsjnixwqqbx4o3fsspal2zspnhmdjdtyke5xwtjkut7asyw"
                "/": "bafy2bzaceadqtqu4wcecrk2akfb4mw7y3bedihwanwk2l4dxbcu4fonu3x6pe"
                "/": "bafy2bzacecoqk52mag2xpxn2eq3pfmyr6mafvogju4znyagmkah4oo4fjgh5i"
                "/": "bafy2bzaced46b2tewkbg6qfa5jnoecvbpdn5k7loz7qsoon3m5mgeb63de46s"
        "ParentWeight": "63400884650",
        "Height": 2692153,
        "ParentStateRoot": {
            "/": "bafy2bzacec5o4ffqnp4zmkn44i6h7oajurvtsb5zvstudvgwhha7y25alt3ck"
        "ParentMessageReceipts": {
            "/": "bafy2bzacebvll7rq7wscnsgbvgdc7xeuzsp2quu4hhfx4pjvq3hydhw2auvd6"
        "Messages": {
            "/": "bafy2bzacechrvqknf26ff4pihyatewfx64ae4bawbp4ibtasy72hr63fds4iq"
        "BLSAggregate": {
            "Type": 2,
            "Data": "mQuz4wd292+Qh8oeZmpl+4QX7/90Oz7VDFLgPhRjIGgvYTEj0FYAecHTaxKaH0GGDwt0nqEvoVbFGf6PA6wCNtzwpLTMqQXZrT2cFeSAtC62vOOn7KTSdqtFxJvBwX1a"
        "Timestamp": 1679070990,
        "BlockSig": {
            "Type": 2,
            "Data": "qiMSk+hQ1E9WGMRn2o5dQmCpz1uO8JK4oIoh8NUwybN7GzrLEaSTv1W5IGx5AAnrAIYgE1MA+Y+CQ677iBC6wD3YUpzdSIt0QCv3cbf8SJgeOVusC+x0Vo/29zRGBgU/"
        "ForkSignaling": 0,
        "ParentBaseFee": "403334159"
    "id": 1


Flare API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Flare is the blockchain for data. It is a layer 1, EVM smart contract platform designed to expand the utility of blockchain.

Flare has the following native data acquisition protocols at these stages of development:

By giving developers trustless access to the broadest range of data, Flare can advance the development of more blockchain use cases where data is important, such as in DeFi, gaming, NFT, music, and social networks.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet:
    • Standard EVM API (HTTPS and WSS)
    • C-Chain (HTTPS)
    • P-Chain (HTTPS)
    • X-Chain (HTTPS)

API methods

For Flare, we support blockchain interaction via the following methods:


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork, eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*,

avm.createAddress, avm.exportKey, avm.importKey, avm.export, avm.import,, avm.createFixedCapAsset, avm.createVariableCapAsset, avm.createNFTAsset, avm.mintNFT, avm.listAddresses, avm.send, avm.sendMultiple, avm.sendNFT, wallet.send, wallet.sendMultiple, wallet.issueTx, avax.export, avax.exportAVAX, avax.exportKey, avax.import, avax.importAVAX, avax.importKey,

platform.addDelegator, platform.addValidator, platform.addSubnetValidator, platform.createAddress, platform.createBlockchain, platform.createSubnet, platform.exportAVAX, platform.exportKey, platform.importAVAX, platform.importKey, platform.listAddresses


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example (Standard EVM)

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example (Standard EVM)



Fuel API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Fuel is an operating system specifically designed for Ethereum Rollups, providing the necessary tools and infrastructure to maximize the efficiency of rollups while solving key challenges around scalability and performance. Fuel’s goal is to enhance the Ethereum ecosystem by optimizing for parallelization, state-minimized execution, and interoperability (PSI), without compromising on any of these aspects.

  • FuelVM: Optimized execution engine enabling parallel transaction execution and state minimization using a UTXO model, improving scalability and throughput.
  • Sway Language: A Rust + Solidity inspired language for smart contracts, offering safety, performance, and static auditing.
  • Developer Experience: Streamlined, boilerplate-free development for efficient contract creation and interaction with the FuelVM.
  • Unmatched Throughput: Leverages parallel processing for significantly higher transaction throughput compared to single-threaded blockchains.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (GraphQL over HTTPS)
  • Testnet (GraphQL over HTTPS)

API methods

For Fuel, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


API querying

Request example

curl --location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "query": "{ chain { latestBlock { id height } } }"

Response example

    "data": {
        "chain": {
            "latestBlock": {
                "id": "0x1cd6d6725bb58123623e8a60de42f269252dbf0df8922e27e45b9e894bffeea7",
                "height": "13781885"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Gnosis API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai Chain) provides stability, scalability and an extendable beacon chain framework.

Development on Gnosis Chain is straightforward for Ethereum developers as it is an EVM compatible chain. Smart contracts can be written and deployed in the same way as for Ethereum just by setting a different RPC endpoint.

Any contract that works on the Ethereum mainnet can be redeployed to the Gnosis chain. Transaction costs are minimized, and all fees and transactions are paid with a single token (xDai). Many tools supporting Ethereum development are compatible with Gnosis Chain.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Gnosis Chain through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Gnosis Chain network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Gnosis Chain Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Gnosis Chain Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 100.
    • Currency symbol: xDai.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Gnosis Chain Mainnet.

API methods

For Gnosis, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example


Gnosis Beacon

Available for Premium users only.

Gonsis Beacon API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab) upon switching on the Beacon toggle.

The Gnosis Beacon Chain is a consensus layer that introduced a proof-of-stake (opens in a new tab) to Ethereum. The Gnosis Beacon Chain mechanism is responsible for creating new blocks, making sure those new blocks are valid, and rewarding validators with ETH for keeping the network secure.

The Gnosis Beacon Chain has several clients to choose from, serving the same purpose but built with slightly different focus in mind:

  • Prysm (opens in a new tab) — focuses on usability, security, and reliability. Prysm is developed by Prysmatic Labs, a company with the sole focus on the development of their client.
  • Lighthouse (opens in a new tab) — a client with a heavy focus on speed and security. Built by Sigma Prime, an information security and software engineering firm who have funded Lighthouse along with the Ethereum Foundation, ConsenSys, and private individuals.
  • Nimbus (opens in a new tab) — strives to be as lightweight as possible in terms of resources used. This allows it to perform well on embedded systems, resource-restricted devices — including Raspberry Pis — and multi-purpose servers.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS)

API methods

For the Gnosis Beacon Chain, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


API querying

Request example

curl -X GET "{your_token}/eth/v1/beacon/genesis" \
-H "Accept: application/json"

Response example

    "data": {
        "genesis_time": "1606824023",
        "genesis_validators_root": "0x4b363db94e286120d76eb905340fdd4e54bfe9f06bf33ff6cf5ad27f511bfe95",
        "genesis_fork_version": "0x00000000"


GOAT API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

GOAT Network is a Layer 2 blockchain solution designed to enhance Bitcoin's scalability, transaction speed, and functionality. By operating atop Bitcoin's primary blockchain (Layer 1), it aims to transform Bitcoin from a passive asset into an active participant in decentralized finance (DeFi), enabling users to earn sustainable yields on their BTC holdings.

Key features of GOAT Network are the following:

  • ZKM Infrastructure: The Zero-Knowledge Modular (ZKM) Infrastructure leverages advanced cryptographic principles to ensure privacy, scalability, and trustlessness in transactions. It's critical for enabling private, fast, and secure cross-chain and intra-chain operations in the GOAT Network.
  • Optimistic Challenge Protocol: OCP is a security mechanism ensuring the correctness of off-chain computations and transactions by providing a way to challenge fraudulent or erroneous data. Provers in the GOAT Network use OCP to securely manage asset peg-out requests and execute off-chain transactions.
  • Decentralized Sequencing: This feature decentralizes the process of transaction batching, which determines the order of transactions within the network. GOAT Network’s decentralized sequencer uses a consensus-driven protocol to batch transactions and confirm them on the blockchain.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For GOAT network, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x7e340"


Gravity API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Gravity is a Layer 1 blockchain designed for mass adoption and an omnichain future. Gravity features the following key points:

  • Cross-Chain Transactions: Gravity enables developers to define and settle transactions across multiple blockchains, enhancing efficiency and security.
  • Efficient Verification: With cost-efficient ZKP verification, Gravity ensures economical and secure transactions.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Gravity introduces cryptographic primitives like the secp256r1 curve through precompiled contracts, allowing for cost-effective passkey authentication for Account Abstraction wallets.
  • High-Performance Execution: Gravity integrates the Reth execution layer and the Jolteon consensus algorithm, providing high throughput and near-instant finality.
  • Secure and Robust PoS Mechanism: Powered by G token staking and restaking protocols like Babylon and EigenLayer, Gravity's PoS design incentivizes and unites a diverse community to secure the chain.
  • EVM-Compatible: Gravity is fully EVM-compatible, enabling seamless deployment and interaction with smart contracts.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Gravity, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x2ba2"


Available for Premium users only.

Linea API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Linea is a network that scales the experience of Ethereum. Its out-of-the-box compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine enables the deployment of already-existing applications, as well as the creation of new ones that would be too costly on Mainnet. It also enables the community to use those dapps, at a fraction of the cost, and at multiples the speed of Mainnet.

It does this by leveraging quantum-resistant lattice-based cryptography to create zero-knowledge proofs that include every transaction performed on the network, and rolling them up to Mainnet. This ensures that every transaction is recorded to the Ethereum ledger while dividing the cost of that security by magnitudes.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Linea, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0xd0ffc"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Harmony API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Harmony is a fast and secure blockchain for decentralized applications. Production mainnet is expected to support 4 shards of 1000 nodes, producing blocks in 2 seconds with finality.

An Effective Proof-of-Stake (EPoS) reduces centralization while supporting stake delegation, reward compounding and double-sign slashing.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Harmony through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Harmony network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Harmony Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Harmony Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 1666600000.
    • Currency symbol: ONE.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Harmony Mainnet.

API methods

For Harmony, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*,

hmyv2_getCurrentBadBlocks, hmyv2_getNodeMetadata, hmy_getFilterLogs, hmy_newFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_newBlockFilter, hmy_getFilterChanges, hmy_syncing


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example


Huobi ECO Chain

Available for Premium users only.

HECO API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Huobi ECO Chain (HECO) is a decentralized, high-efficiency and energy-saving public chain. It is compatible with smart contracts and supports high- performance transactions. The endogenous token of Heco is HT, and it adopts the HPoS consensus mechanism. Heco will continue to improve the efficiency of Ethereum by Layer2, which will supplement and empower the Ethereum ecosystem.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For HECO, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "0x15bafe2"

Horizen EON

Horizen EON API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

EON is Horizen's Ethereum VM (Virtual Machine). EON has adopted Ethereum’s account-based transaction model to represent assets as balances within accounts. The account model, in VM capable blockchains, differentiate account types on whether they represent a normal account balance or an account which is bound to some code that has to be executed by the VM.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Gobi Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Horizen EON, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "0x47f66"

Iota EVM

Iota EVM API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Iota EVM is a Layer 2 solution that operates on top of the Iota Mainnet. It is part of the broader Iota Smart Contracts (ISC) framework, which provides smart contract functionality on Iota. It leverages the Iota Tangle's scalability and security while providing an environment for running decentralized applications (dApps).

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Iota EVM, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x4ab291"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

IoTeX API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

IoTeX Network is the lightning-fast, ultra-secure, and highly scalable blockchain platform that connects real world data to on-chain Dapps.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with IoTeX through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required IoTeX network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add IoTeX Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: IoTeX Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 4689.
    • Currency symbol: IOTX.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with IoTeX Mainnet.

API methods

For IoTeX, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_syncing, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork, eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, eth_accounts, eth_getStorageAt, eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash, eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber, eth_sign, eth_signTransaction, eth_sendTransaction, eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex, eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs, eth_pendingTransactions,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, db_*, shh_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Kaia API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Kaia is an EVM-compatible Layer 1 public blockchain designed to bring Web3 services to millions of users across Asia. Formed through the merger of the Klaytn and Finschia blockchains — initially developed by Kakao and LINE respectively — Kaia aims to integrate a broad user base with vast on-chain assets and technology to help builders promptly implement and expand their ideas with successful results.

Key Features of Kaia:

  • High Performance: Kaia achieves immediate transaction finality with a 1-second block time, processing approximately 4,000 transactions per second.
  • User Accessibility: By integrating with popular messaging apps like KakaoTalk and LINE, Kaia provides easy access to existing Web2 users, facilitating seamless onboarding to Web3 services.
  • Developer-Friendly Environment: Kaia offers EVM equivalence, allowing developers to deploy existing Ethereum-based applications with minimal modifications. Planned support for CosmWasm and integration with industry-leading cross-chain bridges provide developers with unparalleled flexibility.
  • Scalability: The network's modular architecture supports customizable and easily deployable service chains as Layer 2 solutions, enhancing scalability for high-throughput services.
  • Governance: Kaia implements an on-chain governance system designed to be fair and inclusive, with voting rights proportional to the amount of KAIA tokens staked.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Kaia, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*,

kaia_sign, kaia_syncing, kaia_clientVersion, kaia_isParallelDBWrite, kaia_isSenderTxHashIndexingEnabled, kaia_protocolVersion, kaia_rewardbase, kaia_getFilterChanges, kaia_getFilterLogs, kaia_newBlockFilter, kaia_newFilter, kaia_newPendingTransactionFilter, kaia_uninstallFilter, net_listening, net_peerCount, net_peerCountByType, kaia_sendTransaction, kaia_sendTransactionAsFeePayer, kaia_signTransaction, kaia_signTransactionAsFeePayer,

governance_*, mainbridge_*, subbridge_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Kava API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

The Kava Network is the Layer-1 blockchain that combines the speed and scalability of the Cosmos SDK with the developer support of Ethereum. Kava will empower developers to build for Web3 and next-gen blockchain technologies through its unique co-chain architecture. KAVA is the native governance and staking token of the Kava Network, enabling its decentralization and security.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet:
    • Cosmos REST API (HTTPS)
    • Tendermint REST API (HTTPS)
    • Tendermint JSON-RPC API (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Kava, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.



eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

Tendermint REST:

/health, /broadcast_evidence, /dial_seeds, /dial_peers

API querying


curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Tendermint REST


Tendermint JSON-RPC

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "blockchain",
      "params": ["1", "2"],
      "id": 1

Cosmos REST



Kinto API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Kinto is a Layer 2 focused on providing safe access to on-chain finance. It's built on top of the Ethereum network using the Arbitrum Nitro Stack (opens in a new tab), and it's non-custodial, transparent, permissionless, and governed by the community.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Kinto, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x1db1f"


Available for Premium users only.

Kusama API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Kusama is an early release of Polkadot: a scalable, multichain network for radical innovation. Kusama serves as a proving ground that allows teams and developers to build and deploy a parachain, and experiment with Polkadot’s governance and NPoS functionality in a real environment.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Kusama, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

state_getMetadata, state_getPairs, state_traceBlock, state_trieMigrationStatus, state_subscribeStorage, state_unsubscribeStorage, state_queryStorage, sync_state_genSyncSpec, system_accountNextIndex, system_addLogFilter, system_addReservedPeer, system_health, system_localListenAddresses, system_localPeerId, system_name, system_nodeRoles, system_peers, system_properties, system_removeReservedPeer, system_reservedPeers, system_resetLogFilter, system_syncState, system_unstable_networkState, system_version,

account_*, babe_*, mmr_*, dev_*, offchain_*, author_*

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 1,
      "method": "chain_getBlock",
      "params": []

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "block": {
            "header": {
                "parentHash": "0x805af41d6b9e4a559a188c1824ca8bbfd454761d40791013ca9acbb7022f41b1",
                "number": "0x1136a68",
                "stateRoot": "0x512ca942fdd6ac82d445fddc9e6b3c23548bbbcff431dd9136fd73c3377fd1f1",
                "extrinsicsRoot": "0xd45d7104386fd2bc68ec0b9455c5395b53dd8d72fb73376f13e433e282bfda34",
                "digest": {
                    "logs": [
            "extrinsics": [
        "justifications": null
    "id": 1


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Mantle API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Mantle is a high-performance Ethereum layer-2 network built with modular architecture delivering low fees and high security. Builders can leverage Mantle’s unique design to build dApps with exceptional UX, all while relying on Ethereum’s unrivaled security.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Sepolia Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Mantle, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "0x3ca75e"


Matchain API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Matchain is a decentralized AI blockchain platform dedicated to providing comprehensive digital identity solutions for all users. By integrating advanced artificial intelligence, Matchain enhances data categorization and user profiling, seamlessly merging social logins from both Web2 and Web3 into a unified digital identity. This empowers individuals with full control over their data, enabling them to own, manage, and monetize it according to their preferences.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Matchain, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0xed2d7c"


Available for Premium users only.

Metis API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Metis is an Ethereum Layer 2 Rollup platform that offers simple and fast smart contract deployment within the network. Metis provides several solutions to solve the big challenges we face in the Ethereum mainnet, including transaction speed, cost, and scalability.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Metis, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "0x45cd53"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Moonbeam API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Moonbeam is the most Ethereum compatible smart-contract parachain in the Polkadot ecosystem. It combines the best of both worlds: the familiar and easy-to-use tooling of Ethereum and the scalable, interoperable architecture of Polkadot.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Moonbeam through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Moonbeam network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Moonbeam Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Moonbeam Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 1284.
    • Currency symbol: GLMR.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Moonbeam Mainnet.

API methods

For Moonbeam, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Available for Premium users only.

NEAR API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

NEAR is a user-friendly and carbon-neutral blockchain, built from the ground up to be performant, secure, and infinitely scalable.

In technical terms, NEAR is a layer one, sharded, proof-of-stake blockchain built with usability in mind.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS)

API methods

For Near, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

sandbox_patch_state, status, network_info

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "dontcare",
  "method": "query",
  "params": {
    "request_type": "view_access_key",
    "finality": "final",
    "account_id": "client.chainlink.testnet",
    "public_key": "ed25519:H9k5eiU4xXS3M4z8HzKJSLaZdqGdGwBG49o7orNC4eZW"

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "nonce": 85,
    "permission": {
      "FunctionCall": {
        "allowance": "18501534631167209000000000",
        "receiver_id": "client.chainlink.testnet",
        "method_names": ["get_token_price"]
    "block_height": 19884918,
    "block_hash": "GGJQ8yjmo7aEoj8ZpAhGehnq9BSWFx4xswHYzDwwAP2n"
  "id": "dontcare"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Nervos API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Nervos blockchain, also known as Common Knowledge Base, is the rock-bottom layer of the Nervos ecosystem. As the foundation, Nervos blockchain provides trust for all the layers built on top of it. It is designed to maximize decentralization while remaining minimal, flexible, and secure. Its primary objective is to reliably preserve any data and assets stored therein.

Nervos blockchain ecosystem has a multi-layer architecture — both a Layer 1 solution (Nervos CKB) and a Layer 2 (Godwoken). Nervos CKB is a public permissionless blockchain using PoW and improved Nakamoto consensus.

Godwoken comprises two key components: the Godwoken optimistic rollup framework and the Polyjuice EVM-compatible framework. Polyjuice serves as the backend for the Godwoken rollup framework, providing an Ethereum-compatible layer atop Nervos CKB. Polyjuice leverages the account model and the scalability provided by Godwoken, and integrates evmone (opens in a new tab) as the EVM engine to run Ethereum smart contracts.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), CKB Docs (opens in a new tab), Godwoken Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet:
    • Standard EVM and Polyjuice API (HTTPS)
    • Godwoken API (HTTPS)
    • Nervos CKB API (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Nervos through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Nervos network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Godwoken/PolyJuice Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Godwoken/PolyJuice Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 71402.
    • Currency symbol: CKB.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Godwoken/PolyJuice Mainnet.

API methods

For Nervos, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*,

send_alert, process_block_without_verify, truncate, generate_block, notify_transaction, generate_block_with_template, calculate_dao_field, get_block_template, submit_block, local_node_info, get_peers, get_banned_addresses, clear_banned_addresses, set_ban, sync_state, set_network_active, add_node, remove_node, ping_peers, clear_tx_pool


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Below are the request examples applicable for Standard EVM and Polyjuice API.

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Optimism API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Optimism is a fast, stable, and scalable L2 blockchain built by Ethereum developers, for Ethereum developers. Built as a minimal extension to existing Ethereum software, Optimism’s EVM-equivalent (opens in a new tab) architecture scales your Ethereum apps without surprises. If it works on Ethereum, it works on Optimism at a fraction of the cost.

With the OVM 2.0 upgrade, which happened on November 11th, 2021, the Optimism protocol went through its biggest upgrade to date. The primary focus of this upgrade was EVM Equivalence, a new design for Optimism that brought it close to 1:1 parity with Ethereum.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet:
    • Sepolia (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Optimism through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Optimism network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Optimism Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Optimism Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:{your_token}.
    • Chain ID: 10.
    • Currency symbol: ETH.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Optimism Mainnet.

API methods

For Optimism, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Available for Premium users only.

Polkadot API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Polkadot is the first fully-sharded blockchain.

Polkadot enables scalability by allowing specialized blockchains to communicate with each other in a secure, trust-free environment.

Polkadot is built to connect and secure unique blockchains, whether they be public, permissionless networks, private consortium chains, or other Web3 technologies. It enables an internet where independent blockchains can exchange information under common security guarantees.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Polkadot, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

state_getMetadata, state_getPairs, state_traceBlock, state_trieMigrationStatus, state_subscribeStorage, state_unsubscribeStorage, state_queryStorage, sync_state_genSyncSpec, system_accountNextIndex, system_addLogFilter, system_addReservedPeer, system_health, system_localListenAddresses, system_localPeerId, system_name, system_nodeRoles, system_peers, system_properties, system_removeReservedPeer, system_reservedPeers, system_resetLogFilter, system_syncState, system_unstable_networkState, system_version,

account_*, babe_*, mmr_*, dev_*, offchain_*, author_*

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 1,
      "method": "chain_getBlock",
      "params": []

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "block": {
            "header": {
                "parentHash": "0xe121a7c43cbe19eab2601d422df9173a84553cda9f0cd59e0656227696f46d30",
                "number": "0xedaaed",
                "stateRoot": "0x4f4dd4f1bc408dfd01222a8d1401a96c9abb8be86ab60c0e01f10b4a54834b6f",
                "extrinsicsRoot": "0xf310b41030a9bbf5788176a0a187a7fe84833729fb763883329bcc2f9a308a03",
                "digest": {
                    "logs": [
            "extrinsics": [
        "justifications": null
    "id": 1


Polygon API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Polygon is a scaling solution for public blockchains. Polygon PoS supports all the existing Ethereum tooling along with faster and cheaper transactions.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Amoy Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Polygon through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Polygon network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Polygon Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Polygon Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:
    • Chain ID: 137.
    • Currency symbol: MATIC.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Polygon Mainnet.

To add Polygon Amoy Testnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Polygon Amoy Testnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:
    • Chain ID: 80002.
    • Currency symbol: MATIC.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Polygon Amoy Testnet.

API methods

For Polygon, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example


Polygon zkEVM

Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Polygon zkEVM API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Polygon zkEVM is a decentralized Ethereum Layer 2 scalability solution that uses cryptographic zero-knowledge proofs to offer validity and quick finality to off-chain transaction computation, also known as a ZK-Rollup.

The ZK-Rollup executes smart contracts transparently, by publishing zero-knowledge validity proofs, while maintaining opcode compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Building dApps on zkEVM is completely similar to Ethereum. Simply switch to the zkEVM RPC and start building on a network with much higher throughput and lower fees. Polygon zkEVM provides a complete EVM-like experience for Developers and Users alike.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet:
    • Cardona (HTTPS and WSS)
    • Goerli-anchored Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Polygon zkEVM, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_accounts, eth_compileSolidity, eth_compileLLL, eth_compileSerpent, eth_sendTransaction, eth_sign, eth_signTransaction, net_listening, zkevm_getBroadcastURI,

eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "0x43e16"


Rollux API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Rollux is a suite of rollup-based Layer 2 solutions designed to enable EVM users with near-instant low-cost transfers, executions, and contract deployments. Rollux utilizes Syscoin's Layer 1 for best-of-breed secure decentralized settlement (opens in a new tab) and Syscoin PoDA for Layer 1 data availability, offering more efficiency, lower costs, and higher throughput than other L1 DA alternatives.

As a suite, Rollux is set to encompass both Optimistic and ZK (zero-knowledge) based approaches, enabling users and projects to choose a network or solution that fits them best.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Op-node Mainnet (HTTPS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Op-node Testnet (HTTPS)

API methods

For Rollux, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable EVM methods except for those listed as unsupported.

For Rollux Op-node, we support blockchain interaction via the applicable Op-node methods.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x16bef5"


Scroll API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Scroll is a zkEVM-based zkRollup on Ethereum that enables native compatibility for existing Ethereum applications and tools.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Sepolia Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

The Alpha Testnet consists of Ethereum's Goerli Testnet and the Scroll Alpha test network. Goerli is an Ethereum test network with PoS-based consensus, while Scroll Alpha is a zero-knowledge rollup testnet deployed on top of the former.

API methods

For Scroll, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "0x1965e"

Secret Network

Secret Network API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Secret Network is the first blockchain with customizable privacy. You get to choose what you share, who you share with, and how long you share it for. This protects users and empowers developers to build a better Web3.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet:
    • Tendermint RPC API (HTTPS and WSS)
    • Tendermint REST API (HTTPS)
    • Cosmos REST API (HTTPS)

API methods

For Secret Network, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

Tendermint (both for REST and JSON-RPC):

/health, /genesis, /broadcast_evidence, /dial_seeds, /dial_peers,


/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/address_by_id/{id}, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/module_accounts, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32/{address_bytes}, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32/{address_string}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply/{denom}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denom_owners/{denom}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/send_enabled, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/interfaces, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/interfaces/:interface_name/implementations, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/authn, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/chain, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/codec, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/configuration, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/query_services, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/tx_descriptor, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/abci_query, /cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/issued/{granter}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes/{voter}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes, /cosmos/gov/v1/params/{params_type}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits/{depositor}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/tally, /cosmos/group/v1/group_info/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policy_info/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_members/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/groups_by_admin/{admin}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_group/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_admin/{admin}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposal/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposals_by_group_policy/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/vote_by_proposal_voter/{proposal_id}/{voter}, /cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_proposal/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_voter/{voter}, /cosmos/group/v1/groups_by_member/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/tally, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/balance/{owner}/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/owner/{class_id}/{id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/supply/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/nfts, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/nfts/{class_id}/{id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/classes/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/classes, /cosmos/params/v1beta1/subspaces, /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/module_versions, /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/authority, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/node_info, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/syncing, /cosmos/params/v1beta1/params,

/syncing, /blocks/latest, /blocks/{height}, /validatorsets/latest, /validatorsets/{height}, /wasm/code, /wasm/code/{codeID}, /wasm/code/{codeID}/contracts, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}/code-hash, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}/query/{query}, /wasm/code/{codeID}/hash, /reg/consensus-io-exch-pubkey

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "block",
      "params": ["1"],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "id": 0,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "block_id": {
      "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
      "parts": {
        "total": 1,
        "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
    "block": {
      "header": {
        "version": {
          "block": "10",
          "app": "0"
        "chain_id": "cosmoshub-2",
        "height": "12",
        "time": "2019-04-22T17:01:51.701356223Z",
        "last_block_id": {
          "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
          "parts": {
            "total": 1,
            "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
        "last_commit_hash": "21B9BC845AD2CB2C4193CDD17BFC506F1EBE5A7402E84AD96E64171287A34812",
        "data_hash": "970886F99E77ED0D60DA8FCE0447C2676E59F2F77302B0C4AA10E1D02F18EF73",
        "validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
        "next_validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
        "consensus_hash": "0F2908883A105C793B74495EB7D6DF2EEA479ED7FC9349206A65CB0F9987A0B8",
        "app_hash": "223BF64D4A01074DC523A80E76B9BBC786C791FB0A1893AC5B14866356FCFD6C",
        "last_results_hash": "",
        "evidence_hash": "",
        "proposer_address": "D540AB022088612AC74B287D076DBFBC4A377A2E"
      "data": [
      "evidence": [
          "type": "string",
          "height": 0,
          "time": 0,
          "total_voting_power": 0,
          "validator": {
            "pub_key": {
              "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
              "value": "A6DoBUypNtUAyEHWtQ9bFjfNg8Bo9CrnkUGl6k6OHN4="
            "voting_power": 0,
            "address": "string"
      "last_commit": {
        "height": 0,
        "round": 0,
        "block_id": {
          "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
          "parts": {
            "total": 1,
            "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
        "signatures": [
            "type": 2,
            "height": "1262085",
            "round": 0,
            "block_id": {
              "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
              "parts": {
                "total": 1,
                "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
            "timestamp": "2019-08-01T11:39:38.867269833Z",
            "validator_address": "000001E443FD237E4B616E2FA69DF4EE3D49A94F",
            "validator_index": 0,
            "signature": "DBchvucTzAUEJnGYpNvMdqLhBAHG4Px8BsOBB3J3mAFCLGeuG7uJqy+nVngKzZdPhPi8RhmE/xcw/M9DOJjEDg=="


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Sei API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Sei is a general purpose, open-source Layer 1 blockchain specialized for the exchange of digital assets. Sei has only one value prop: exchange apps — whether it’s an NFT marketplace or gaming economy — Sei offers the best user experience to build upon.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet:
    • Tendermint JSON-RPC (HTTPS and WSS)
    • Tendermint REST (HTTPS)
    • Cosmos REST (HTTPS)
    • Cosmos gRPC (HTTPS)
  • Testnet:
    • Tendermint JSON-RPC (HTTPS and WSS)
    • Tendermint REST (HTTPS)
    • Cosmos REST (HTTPS)
    • Cosmos gRPC (HTTPS)

API methods

For Sei, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

Tendermint (both for REST and JSON-RPC):

/health, /genesis, /broadcast_evidence, /dial_seeds, /dial_peers, /remove_tx

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "block",
      "params": ["1"],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "id": 0,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "block_id": {
      "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
      "parts": {
        "total": 1,
        "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
    "block": {
      "header": {
        "version": {
          "block": "10",
          "app": "0"
        "chain_id": "cosmoshub-2",
        "height": "12",
        "time": "2019-04-22T17:01:51.701356223Z",
        "last_block_id": {
          "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
          "parts": {
            "total": 1,
            "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
        "last_commit_hash": "21B9BC845AD2CB2C4193CDD17BFC506F1EBE5A7402E84AD96E64171287A34812",
        "data_hash": "970886F99E77ED0D60DA8FCE0447C2676E59F2F77302B0C4AA10E1D02F18EF73",
        "validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
        "next_validators_hash": "D658BFD100CA8025CFD3BECFE86194322731D387286FBD26E059115FD5F2BCA0",
        "consensus_hash": "0F2908883A105C793B74495EB7D6DF2EEA479ED7FC9349206A65CB0F9987A0B8",
        "app_hash": "223BF64D4A01074DC523A80E76B9BBC786C791FB0A1893AC5B14866356FCFD6C",
        "last_results_hash": "",
        "evidence_hash": "",
        "proposer_address": "D540AB022088612AC74B287D076DBFBC4A377A2E"
      "data": [
      "evidence": [
          "type": "string",
          "height": 0,
          "time": 0,
          "total_voting_power": 0,
          "validator": {
            "pub_key": {
              "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
              "value": "A6DoBUypNtUAyEHWtQ9bFjfNg8Bo9CrnkUGl6k6OHN4="
            "voting_power": 0,
            "address": "string"
      "last_commit": {
        "height": 0,
        "round": 0,
        "block_id": {
          "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
          "parts": {
            "total": 1,
            "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
        "signatures": [
            "type": 2,
            "height": "1262085",
            "round": 0,
            "block_id": {
              "hash": "112BC173FD838FB68EB43476816CD7B4C6661B6884A9E357B417EE957E1CF8F7",
              "parts": {
                "total": 1,
                "hash": "38D4B26B5B725C4F13571EFE022C030390E4C33C8CF6F88EDD142EA769642DBD"
            "timestamp": "2019-08-01T11:39:38.867269833Z",
            "validator_address": "000001E443FD237E4B616E2FA69DF4EE3D49A94F",
            "validator_index": 0,
            "signature": "DBchvucTzAUEJnGYpNvMdqLhBAHG4Px8BsOBB3J3mAFCLGeuG7uJqy+nVngKzZdPhPi8RhmE/xcw/M9DOJjEDg=="


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Solana API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Solana is a decentralized blockchain built to enable scalable, user-friendly apps for the world.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Devnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Solana, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "getAccountInfo",
      "params": [
          "encoding": "base58"
      "id": 1

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "context": {
            "apiVersion": "1.13.5",
            "slot": 171939795
        "value": {
            "data": [
            "executable": false,
            "lamports": 2000000,
            "owner": "11111111111111111111111111111111",
            "rentEpoch": 361
    "id": 1


Somnia API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Somnia is a high-performance, cost-efficient EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain capable of processing over 1,000,000 transactions per second (TPS) with sub-second finality. It is suitable for serving millions of users and building real-time mass-consumer applications like games, social applications, metaverses, and more, all fully on-chain.

Key Features:

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab)


  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Somnia, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x6d1d8b"


Sonic API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Sonic is an EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain designed to deliver high-speed, low-latency transactions, aiming to process over 10,000 transactions per second with sub-second finality.

Key Features of Sonic:

  • High Throughput and Speed: Sonic achieves transaction finality in approximately 720 milliseconds, positioning it among the fastest EVM-compatible blockchains.
  • Developer Incentives: The platform offers attractive incentives, including a fee monetization program that allows developers to earn up to 90% of the fees generated by their applications.
  • EVM Compatibility: Sonic's compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine enables seamless deployment of existing Ethereum-based decentralized applications (dApps) without significant modifications.
  • Secure Ethereum Gateway: Sonic provides a secure bridge to Ethereum, facilitating easy access to Ethereum's liquidity and assets while maintaining high transaction speeds and low costs.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Sonic, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x51008"


Stellar API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Stellar is a layer-1 open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer blockchain network that provides a framework for developers to create applications, issue assets, and connect to existing financial rails. Stellar is designed to enable creators, innovators, and developers to build projects on the network that can interoperate with each other.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet:
    • Horizon (HTTPS)
  • Testnet:
    • Horizon (HTTPS)
    • Soroban (HTTPS)

API methods

For Stellar we support blockchain interaction via the following methods:


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


API querying

Request example


Response example

    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "\u0026limit=1\u0026order=asc\u0026signer=GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U"
        "next": {
            "href": "\u0026limit=1\u0026order=asc\u0026signer=GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U"
        "prev": {
            "href": "\u0026limit=1\u0026order=desc\u0026signer=GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U"
    "_embedded": {
        "records": [
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""
                    "transactions": {
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                        "templated": true
                    "operations": {
                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
                        "templated": true
                    "payments": {
                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
                        "templated": true
                    "effects": {
                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
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                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
                        "templated": true
                    "trades": {
                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
                        "templated": true
                    "data": {
                        "href": "{key}",
                        "templated": true
                "account_id": "GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U",
                "sequence": "24739097524306474",
                "subentry_count": 3,
                "inflation_destination": "GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U",
                "home_domain": "",
                "last_modified_ledger": 46469501,
                "last_modified_time": null,
                "thresholds": {
                    "low_threshold": 5,
                    "med_threshold": 0,
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                "flags": {
                    "auth_required": false,
                    "auth_revocable": true,
                    "auth_immutable": false,
                    "auth_clawback_enabled": false
                "balances": [
                        "balance": "0.0000000",
                        "limit": "922337203685.4775807",
                        "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                        "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                        "last_modified_ledger": 40074670,
                        "is_authorized": true,
                        "is_authorized_to_maintain_liabilities": true,
                        "asset_type": "credit_alphanum4",
                        "asset_code": "EURT",
                        "asset_issuer": "GAP5LETOV6YIE62YAM56STDANPRDO7ZFDBGSNHJQIYGGKSMOZAHOOS2S"
                        "balance": "0.0000000",
                        "limit": "922337203685.4775807",
                        "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                        "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                        "last_modified_ledger": 20213845,
                        "is_authorized": true,
                        "is_authorized_to_maintain_liabilities": true,
                        "asset_type": "credit_alphanum4",
                        "asset_code": "NGN",
                        "asset_issuer": "GCC4YLCR7DDWFCIPTROQM7EB2QMFD35XRWEQVIQYJQHVW6VE5MJZXIGW"
                        "balance": "0.0000000",
                        "limit": "922337203685.4775807",
                        "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                        "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                        "last_modified_ledger": 7877447,
                        "is_authorized": false,
                        "is_authorized_to_maintain_liabilities": false,
                        "asset_type": "credit_alphanum4",
                        "asset_code": "PHP",
                        "asset_issuer": "GBUQWP3BOUZX34TOND2QV7QQ7K7VJTG6VSE7WMLBTMDJLLAW7YKGU6EP"
                        "balance": "80.8945748",
                        "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                        "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                        "asset_type": "native"
                "signers": [
                        "weight": 10,
                        "key": "GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U",
                        "type": "ed25519_public_key"
                "data": {},
                "num_sponsoring": 0,
                "num_sponsored": 0,
                "paging_token": "GDI73WJ4SX7LOG3XZDJC3KCK6ED6E5NBYK2JUBQSPBCNNWEG3ZN7T75U"


Story API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Story Network is a purpose-built layer 1 blockchain achieving the best of EVM and Cosmos SDK. It is 100% EVM-compatible alongside deep execution layer optimizations to support graph data structures, purpose-built for handling complex data structures like IP quickly and cost-efficiently. It does this by:

Key Features:

  • EVM Compatibility: Full compatibility with Ethereum Virtual Machine.
  • Optimized Data Structures: Precompiled primitives for efficient IP graph traversal.
  • Fast Finality: CometBFT-based consensus layer for quick transaction finality.
  • Modular Architecture: Decoupled consensus from execution using Ethereum's Engine-API.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Story, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x17a1c4"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

Sui API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Sui is the first permissionless Layer 1 blockchain designed from the ground up to enable creators and developers to build experiences that cater to the next billion users in Web3. Sui is horizontally scalable to support a wide range of application development with unrivaled speed at low cost.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Sui, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


API querying

Request example

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "sui_getChainIdentifier",
  "params": []

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": "4c78adac",
    "id": 1


Swell API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Swell is a non-custodial staking protocol with a mission to deliver the world’s best liquid staking and restaking experience, simplify access to DeFi, while securing the future of Ethereum and restaking services.

With Swell, users are able to earn passive income by staking or restaking ETH to earn both blockchain rewards and restaked AVS rewards, and in return be provided with a yield-bearing liquid token (LST or LRT) to hold or participate in the wider DeFi ecosystem to earn additional yield.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet:
    • Sepolia (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Swell, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



Syscoin API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Syscoin is a Proof-of-Work blockchain solution merge-mined with Bitcoin. At its base is a dual-chain Layer 1: the core is the Syscoin native blockchain, and running in tandem with it is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chain called NEVM (Network-Enhanced Virtual Machine), which provides modularity, enhanced security, and full byte-for-byte Ethereum compatibility.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)

Add networks to MetaMask

Using Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask makes user interaction on Web3 not just easy and slick but also PRIVATE. We DON'T collect users' blockchain addresses — end of the story. Feel free to check our terms (opens in a new tab) and privacy policy (opens in a new tab) to be sure.

For MetaMask to interact with Syscoin through Ankr's infrastructure, add a required Syscoin network either via Web3 API platform's or MetaMask's UI.

Via Web3 API platform

To be added soon.

Via MetaMask

To add Syscoin Mainnet, follow these steps:

  1. In MetaMask extension, click Networks (drop-down menu) > Add network to open Settings.

  2. In the Add a network pane, click Add a network manually, then enter the network details and click Save:

    • Network name: Syscoin Mainnet by Ankr RPC.
    • New RPC URL:
    • Chain ID: 57.
    • Currency symbol: SYS.
    • Block explorer URL:

Congrats — you've just added Ankr as the blockchain provider for MetaMask to interact with Syscoin Mainnet.

API methods

For Syscoin, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example



TAC API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

TAC (Tokenized Asset Chain) is a network extension for TON (The Open Network) that enhances its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It allows users to access EVM applications directly through their TON wallets, eliminating the need to manage multiple wallets or use traditional bridges.

TAC key features:

  • EVM-Equivalent Layer 1: TAC uses an EVM Layer 1 based on CosmosSDK + Ethermint, secured by dPoS and Babylon Bitcoin Staking, running TON-native-like dapps.
  • Secure Cross-Chain Communication: A decentralized sequencer network ensures secure message delivery between TON and TAC, with validation by sequencers and consensus within groups.
  • Economic Security Model: Validators and sequencers stake collateral and participate in validation, earning rewards for good performance and facing penalties for errors.
  • Proxy Apps: Proxy contracts make EVM apps feel native to TON, with seamless interaction through TON wallets without extra complexity.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab)


  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For TAC, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

Tendermint (both for REST and JSON-RPC):

/health, /genesis, /broadcast_evidence, /dial_seeds, /dial_peers,


/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/address_by_id/{id}, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/module_accounts, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32/{address_bytes}, /cosmos/auth/v1beta1/bech32/{address_string}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply/{denom}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denom_owners/{denom}, /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/send_enabled, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/interfaces, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/interfaces/:interface_name/implementations, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/authn, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/chain, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/codec, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/configuration, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/query_services, /cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/app_descriptor/tx_descriptor, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/abci_query, /cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/issued/{granter}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes/{voter}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes, /cosmos/gov/v1/params/{params_type}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits/{depositor}, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits, /cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/tally, /cosmos/group/v1/group_info/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policy_info/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_members/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/groups_by_admin/{admin}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_group/{group_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/group_policies_by_admin/{admin}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposal/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposals_by_group_policy/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/vote_by_proposal_voter/{proposal_id}/{voter}, /cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_proposal/{proposal_id}, /cosmos/group/v1/votes_by_voter/{voter}, /cosmos/group/v1/groups_by_member/{address}, /cosmos/group/v1/proposals/{proposal_id}/tally, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/balance/{owner}/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/owner/{class_id}/{id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/supply/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/nfts, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/nfts/{class_id}/{id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/classes/{class_id}, /cosmos/nft/v1beta1/classes, /cosmos/params/v1beta1/subspaces, /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/module_versions, /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/authority, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/node_info, /cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/syncing, /cosmos/params/v1beta1/params,

/syncing, /blocks/latest, /blocks/{height}, /validatorsets/latest, /validatorsets/{height}, /wasm/code, /wasm/code/{codeID}, /wasm/code/{codeID}/contracts, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}/code-hash, /wasm/contract/{contractAddress}/query/{query}, /wasm/code/{codeID}/hash, /reg/consensus-io-exch-pubkey

API querying


curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Tendermint JSON-RPC

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "blockchain",
      "params": ["1", "2"],
      "id": 1

Tendermint REST


Cosmos REST



Taiko API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Taiko is as a fully open source, permissionless, Ethereum-equivalent ZK-Rollup. Using Taiko feels the exact same as using Ethereum. There are no centralized actors that operate the network; all operations are permissionlessly run by the community.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Hekla Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Taiko, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x28244"


Telos API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Telos EVM integrates the Telos blockchain's high performance with Ethereum's development environment. It offers fast transactions, low fees, and full compatibility with Ethereum tools and smart contracts. Key features include:

  • High Performance: Thousands of transactions per second with low latency.
  • Low Fees: Significantly cheaper transactions than Ethereum.
  • Compatibility: Supports Ethereum smart contracts and development tools like Solidity and Metamask.
  • Governance: Robust governance model allowing token holder participation.
  • Frontrunning Protection: Built-in mechanisms to prevent frontrunning, ensuring fairer transaction execution.
  • Arbitration: Dispute resolution mechanism to handle conflicts, enhancing trust and security.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Telos, we support blockchain interaction via the applicable methods.


For Telos, on Premium service plan, we don't support any other methods except for those referenced in API methods.

If you require any methods other than those in the API methods section, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x1461d7b4"


Tenet API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

Tenet is an EVM-compatible Layer-1 bringing liquidity and yield opportunities to LSDs by using them as collateral for network validators through Diversified Proof of Stake (opens in a new tab). This increases network security and improves governance inclusivity.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet Beta (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Tenet, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x9207af"


Available for Freemium and Premium users.

TON API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

The Open Network (TON) is a decentralized and open internet platform made up of several components. These include: TON Blockchain, TON DNS, TON Storage, and TON Sites. TON Blockchain is the core protocol that connects TON’s underlying infrastructure together to form the greater TON Ecosystem.

TON is focused on achieving widespread cross-chain interoperability, while operating in a highly scalable secure framework. TON is designed to process millions of transactions per second (TPS), with the goal of eventually reaching hundreds of millions of users moving forward.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet

API methods

For TON, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


API querying

Request example

curl -X GET{your_token}/getConsensusBlock

Response example

    "ok": true,
    "result": {
        "consensus_block": 41808671,
        "timestamp": 1731070487.261679


Available for Premium users only.

TRON API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

TRON is an open source public blockchain platform that supports smart contracts. TRON is compatible with Ethereum, which means that you can migrate smart contracts on Ethereum to TRON directly or with minor modifications. TRON relies on a unique consensus mechanism to realize the high TPS of the TRON network that is far beyond Ethereum, bringing developers a good experience of a faster transaction.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet

API methods

For TRON, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.

/wallet/easytransferbyprivate, /wallet/easytransferassetbyprivate, /wallet/easytransfer, /wallet/easytransferasset, /wallet/gettransactionsign,

And all the methods with the following segments in their path:

easytransferbyprivate, easytransferassetbyprivate, easytransfer, easytransferasset, gettransactionsign, createaddress, listnodes, generateaddress, getnodeinfo, addtransactionsign, getakfromask, getnkfromnsk, getspendingkey, getexpandedspendingkey, getdiversifier, getincomingviewingkey, createspendauthsig, getnewshieldedaddress, createshieldedtransaction, createshieldedcontractparameters, createshieldedcontractparameterswithoutask, scanshieldedtrc20notesbyivk, scanshieldedtrc20notesbyovk, isshieldedtrc20contractnotespent

API querying

Request example (JSON-RPC)

curl -X POST{your_token} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example (JSON-RPC)

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "0x30dc665"

Request example (REST)

curl -X GET '{your_token}/walletsolidity/getnowblock'

Response example (REST)

    "blockID": "0000000002fa7ad50ad1632efffc6f8376488681897834ac17bdf137e961b5f3",
    "block_header": {
        "raw_data": {
            "number": 49969877,
            "txTrieRoot": "9fb478348a2f48bd15eb5cff7d6b6a3845e7014a444125981e41c761c05c8898",
            "witness_address": "411761716b76c6a3d885299c366826046c09b08d26",
            "parentHash": "0000000002fa7ad442c90c1be8ab67467e1940017258cb28496bcafe7bcb1bbd",
            "version": 27,
            "timestamp": 1680522399000
        "witness_signature": "50243f8d127f417f407e1df845c77bdf600d33d155cbcebe82b6b6903b8e74492c1bfabbf7be683ff0a20f9ce22565f9e6fe05c4202bb950e0390d4bbc38f7f301"
    "transactions": [
            "ret": [
                    "contractRet": "SUCCESS"
            "signature": [
            "txID": "e8a35f80078d8e7f562d7b19c91102388d400029f9454d90d4b638bf6094621e",
            "raw_data": {
                "contract": [
                        "parameter": {
                            "value": {
                                "data": "a9059cbb000000000000000000000000149e4be8e140208f5640814249406404f475fb1700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000097a25c0",
                                "owner_address": "41cebabc6a66da33d2135f11207d6ab88b82829813",
                                "contract_address": "41a614f803b6fd780986a42c78ec9c7f77e6ded13c"
                            "type_url": ""
                        "type": "TriggerSmartContract"
                "ref_block_bytes": "7ac2",
                "ref_block_hash": "182e27a1484a4f66",
                "expiration": 1680533174894,
                "fee_limit": 30000000,
                "timestamp": 1680522374779
            "raw_data_hex": "0a027ac22208182e27a1484a4f6640eef4d4bcf4305aae01081f12a9010a31747970652e676f6f676c65617069732e636f6d2f70726f746f636f6c2e54726967676572536d617274436f6e747261637412740a1541cebabc6a66da33d2135f11207d6ab88b82829813121541a614f803b6fd780986a42c78ec9c7f77e6ded13c2244a9059cbb000000000000000000000000149e4be8e140208f5640814249406404f475fb1700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000097a25c070fbdcc1b7f43090018087a70e"


Xai API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

The Xai Blockchain, developed by Offchain Labs and overseen by the Xai Foundation, was custom-developed to address the needs of web3 gaming at scale. Tailored specifically for gaming, this blockchain offers traditional gamers an abstracted wallet and account experience, provides developers with increased gas and contract limits, and establishes a fully decentralized ecosystem that fosters trust and transparency for all participants. By leveraging Ethereum's robust security measures, the Xai Blockchain cements its resilience against potential hacks and other vulnerabilities.

Xai operates as an Arbitrum Orbit chain, harnessing Anytrust technology to achieve maximum speed and minimal costs. Unlike most Orbit chains that are "self-managed," Xai benefits from direct technical support courtesy of Offchain Labs. This support is not available to other orbit chains and is a crucial component of Xai as a strategic gaming initiative within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For Xai, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x5f2039"

XDC Network

XDC Network API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

The XDC Network is a global, open-source, delegated proof of stake consensus network (XDPoS), with near-zero gas fees, 2 second block finality, and interoperability with ISO 20022 financial messaging standards. The network’s enterprise-grade architecture is designed to support institutional use in trade finance and asset tokenization. Featuring interoperable smart contracts, 2,000 transactions per second, and Ethereum Virtual Machine compatibility, the XDC Network provides a scalable infrastructure for enterprises and independent community contributors.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For XDC Network, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x3f76cd6"

X Layer

X Layer API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

X Layer is a decentralized Ethereum Layer 2 network that offers a secure and user-friendly blockchain experience to all users, using advanced cryptographic zero-knowledge proofs to provide validity and near-instant finality to off-chain transaction computations.


  • Lower fees: X Layer does not consume expensive gas (i.e., DA to store transaction data off-chain).
  • ZKP-powered scalability: X1 is not bounded by the amount of transaction data that can be published to Ethereum with ZK-validity proofs.
  • Ethereum security: X Layer natively inherits the security of Ethereum, securing user funds from malicious operators.
  • Unified liquidity: X Layer ensures fluid asset transfers across different CDK-developed chains within Polygon 2.0's L2 ecosystem, building a vibrant, efficient, and interconnected digital economy.
  • Near-instant finality: X Layer utilizes cryptographic security to ensure the integrity of transactions, achieving near-instant finality and robust security.
  • Powered by OKX: X Layer provides seamless OKX product integrations, an all-in-one Web3 gateway, and access to 50M users in the OKX ecosystem.
  • Portal to Web3: Enter the world of Web3 via OKX Wallet, built with compact infrastructure modules to create innovative DApps.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For X Layer, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "params": [],

Response example


zkSync Era

The zkSync Era node is still in alpha and subject to further updates. Users may experience downtime. If you notice discrepancies from the main node API (opens in a new tab), please report directly to Matter Labs (opens in a new tab).

zkSync Era API is available on Web3 API platform (opens in a new tab).

zkSync Era is a layer 2 rollup that uses zero-knowledge proofs to scale Ethereum without compromising on security or decentralization. Since it's EVM compatible (Solidity/Vyper), 99% of Ethereum projects can redeploy without refactoring or re-auditing a single line of code. zkSync Era also uses an LLVM-based compiler that will eventually let developers write smart contracts in C++, Rust, and other popular languages.

Official quick links: Website (opens in a new tab), Docs (opens in a new tab), GitHub (opens in a new tab)


  • Mainnet (HTTPS and WSS)
  • Testnet (HTTPS and WSS)

API methods

For zkSync Era, we support blockchain interaction via all the applicable methods except for those listed as unsupported.


This section contains a list of methods we don't support for Premium service plan.

If you require any of the methods from the list, contact our Sales ( about moving to the Enterprise service plan that can provide the services tailored to your specific needs.


eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_coinbase, eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork,eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate, net_peerCount, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_newPendingTransactionFilter, eth_uninstallFilter, eth_getFilterLogs,

debug_* (exception: debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber, debug_traceTransaction, debug_traceCall, debug_traceBlock),

personal_*, admin_*, clique_*, les_*, miner_*, engine_*, parity_*


txpool_content, txpool_inspect, txpool_status, txpool_contentFrom

API querying

Request example

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "eth_blockNumber",
      "params": [],
      "id": 1

Response example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": "0x5ac192",
    "id": 1