Rollup Stacks
Arbitrum Orbit

Arbitrum Orbit

The Arbitrum Orbit stack is a customizable framework that enables the creation of personalized Layer 2 (L2) or Layer 3 (L3) blockchains based on the Arbitrum Nitro technology, offering a scalable and flexible solution for deploying decentralized applications with the potential for enhanced control over performance and cost.

The main advantages of the Arbitrum Orbit stack are the following:

  • Protocol Customization: The Orbit framework enables the deployment of custom chains, allowing for tailored configurations that suit specific project needs. This includes customization at any layer of the stack, including the sequencer, state transition function, throughput, privacy settings, gas token, governance mechanisms, custom precompiles, data availability, and more.

  • Flexible Technology Options: Orbit lets you choose between Rollup, AnyTrust, or custom technology stacks. This makes Ethereum and Arbitrum technologies more adaptable by allowing you to incorporate only the elements of the technologies that you need.

  • Enhanced Security and Cost-Effectiveness: Arbitrum technology powers the most secure L2s, and you can use this same mature technology stack for your Orbit chain. By leveraging Arbitrum's Nitro core, Orbit chains can either opt for Ethereum-level security with Arbitrum One's Rollup technology or minimal trust assumptions with the Arbitrum Nova's AnyTrust technology, catering to different levels of security and cost-effectiveness requirements.

  • Fraud Proofs: Arbitrum Orbit's fraud proofs are a cornerstone of its security features, ensuring the integrity and correctness of transactions within the Arbitrum ecosystem. Arbitrum employs an innovative multi-stage anti-fraud protection mechanism, which is designed to be more gas-efficient compared to other L2 optimistic rollups. This system utilizes multi-round interactive fraud proofs, which is a battle-tested solution that allows any observer to challenge a posted transaction and guarantees resolving disputes and safeguarding against incorrect or malicious transactions.

  • Custom Gas Token: Orbit chains offer the flexibility to use alternative ERC-20 tokens as the native gas token on the network for gas fees, which can facilitate seamless integration with an application's ecosystem.

  • Native Data Availability: Arbitrum AnyTrust is a natively supported DA layer that relies on an external Data Availability Committee (DAC) to store data and provide it on-demand instead of using its parent chain as the Data Availability (DA) layer. This provides for high throughput and sub-cent transaction fees.

  • EVM+ Compatibility: Orbit chains benefit from the same EVM+ compatibility introduced in Arbitrum Nitro, allowing for the deployment of EVM-compatible smart contracts using not only Solidity but other various programming languages — C, C++, Rust, and many more — without the need to migrate away from your existing toolchain.